pamirsn. 帕米爾高原(位於亞洲中部)
Spring In The Pamirs 帕米爾的春天;The Spring of Pamirs 帕米爾的春天;
1.Mu was born in Tibet, China. Heimproved his power in the Pamirs. 穆出生在中國西藏,他在高原修煉提升自己的能力。
2.One policeman was killed and another wounded in the gun battle on Friday in the mountains of Pamirs plateau in south Xinjiang, said spokeswoman Ba Yan. 女發言人巴燕說,週五的戰鬥發生在新疆南部帕米爾高原的高山地區,有一名警察在槍戰中犧牲,另有一名受傷。
3.One policeman was killed and another wounded in the gun battle on Friday in the mountains of Pamirs plateau in south Xinjiang, said spokeswoman Ba Yan. 新疆公安廳女新聞發言人巴燕稱,週五在新疆南部帕米爾高原上爆發的槍戰中,一名警察犧牲,另一名警察受傷。