Achillesn. 阿基裡斯
Achilles 阿基裡斯;阿喀琉斯;阿奇裡斯;希臘神;Achilles heel 致命要害;阿喀琉斯之踵;弱點;艾基利斯之踵的弱點 要害(來自希臘神話);achilles tendonitis 跟腱炎;阿基裡斯肌腱炎;Achilles class 阿契裡斯級;Achilles Tatius 阿基琉斯
1.English is his Achilles hell. 英語是他的致命傷。
2.According to another tradition, Achilles was the victim of a plot . 根據另一個傳說,阿喀琉斯是一場陰謀的受害者。
3.Become Achilles, a semi God and the mighty general of the Greek army. 變成阿基裡斯、一個半神和希臘軍隊的能幹將軍,。
peritenonitis of achilles tendon - 跟腱周圍炎
bursa of achilles tendon; bursa tendinis calcanel - 跟腱囊
tendon achilles lengthening - 跟腱延長
contracture of achilles tendon - 跟腱攣縮
rupture of achilles tendon - 跟腱斷裂
enthesiopathy of achilles tendon - 跟腱止點末端病
peritenonitis of achilles tendon - 跟腱腱鞘炎
partial-rupture of achilles tendon - 跟腱部分斷裂
old rupture of achilles tendon - 陳舊性跟腱斷裂
n.跟腱囊 - bursa of achilles tendon
n.跟腱攣縮 - contracture of achilles tendon
n.跟腱止點末端病 - enthesiopathy of achilles tendon
n.陳舊性跟腱斷裂 - old rupture of achilles tendon
n.跟腱部分斷裂 - partial-rupture of achilles tendon
n.跟腱周圍炎,跟腱腱鞘炎 - peritenonitis of achilles tendon
n.跟腱斷裂 - rupture of achilles tendon
n.跟腱延長 - tendon achilles lengthening