partan['pɑ:tən]n. (蘇格蘭)黃道蟹
partan 黃道蟹;partan method 平行切線法;
1.Ms Partan seems to attribute the success of children in school above all to good teachers armed with an effective methodology. 帕坦女士似乎將孩子在學校的成功主要歸結於擁有有效教學方法的老師。
2.Ms Partan refers to America's number 18 position in the 'Educational Disadvantage League' in the UNICEF report. I was prepared to be shocked. 帕坦女士提到美國在聯合國兒童基金會報告中的「教育缺陷排列」表中名列十八,於是我做好心理準備來看令人震驚的信息。
3.What particularly troubles me about Ms Partan's article is the statement that "we need to stop blaming poverty, parents or the home environment for the difficulty a child has in learning." 帕坦女士的文章中最困擾我的是那句「我們不應再因孩子在學習中發生的困難而譴責貧困、父母和生活環境。」