





n. os sphenoidale ,sphenoid bone


sphenoid['sfi:nɔid]n. 蝶骨;楔狀骨adj. 楔形的;楔狀的


sphenoid 楔形骨;楔狀;蝶骨;楔狀的;sphenoid bone 蝶骨;楔形骨;tetragonal sphenoid 正方楔;正方榍;sphenoid punch 釋義:蝶竇咬骨鉗;sphenoid probe 釋義:蝶竇探針;


1.Objective:To study the surgical experience of endoscopic sinus surgery for the patients with sphenoid sinus disease. 目的:探討鼻內鏡下治療蝶竇良性病變的療效和手術體會。

2.Objective To investigate the approach and experience of endoscopic surgery in sphenoid sinus occupying lesions associated with a deviated septum. 目的探討利用鼻內鏡手術治療蝶竇良性病變伴有鼻中隔偏曲的方法和體會。

3.Findings: Relatively homogeneous ground-glass appearance and expansion of right temporal bone and greater wing of the sphenoid bone. No overt bony destruction. 影像學表現:相對均勻的毛玻璃影,右側顳骨和蝶骨大翼膨脹性改變。沒有明顯的骨質破壞。


margo parietalis alae majoris; parietal margin of great wing of sphenoid bone - 大翼頂緣

frontal margin of great wing of sphenoid bone; margo frontalis alae majors - 大翼額緣

margo squamosus alae majoris; squamous margin of great wing of sphenoid bone - 大翼鱗緣

sinus sphenoudalis; sphenoid sinus; sphenoidal sinus - 蝶竇

irrigation of sphenoid sinus - 蝶竇沖洗術

apertura sinus sphenoidalis; aperture of sphenoid sinus - 蝶竇口

sphenoid rongeur forceps - 蝶竇咬骨鉗

operation of sphenoid sinus - 蝶竇手術

sphenoid probe - 蝶竇探針

sphenoid irrigating cannula - 蝶竇灌洗管

sphenoid sinusitis; sphenoiditis - 蝶竇炎

jugum sphenoidale; sphenoid jugum - 蝶軛

os sphenoidale; sphenoid bone - 蝶骨

body of sphenoid bone; corpus ossis sphenoidalalis - 蝶骨體

ala major ossis sphenoidalis; great wing of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨大翼

ala minor ossis sphenoidalis; small wing of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨小翼

processur pterygoideus ossis sphenoidalis; pterygoid process of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨翼突窩

sphenoid fissure sensory-motor ocular paralysis - 蝶骨裂感覺運動性眼球麻痺症

processure vaginalis ossis sphenoidalis; vaginal process of sphenoid bone - 蝶骨鞘突


n.蝶竇口 - aperture of sphenoid sinus

n.蝶骨體 - body of sphenoid bone

n.大翼額緣 - frontal margin of great wing of sphenoid bone

n.蝶骨大翼 - great wing of sphenoid bone

蝶骨大翼 - greater wing of sphenoid bone

n.蝶竇沖洗術 - irrigation of sphenoid sinus

蝶骨小翼 - lesser wing of sphenoid bone

蝶骨上頜 - maxillary surface of sphenoid bone

n.蝶竇手術 - operation of sphenoid sinus

n.大翼頂緣 - parietal margin of great wing of sphenoid bone

n.蝶骨翼突窩 - pterygoid process of sphenoid bone

蝶骨鞘狀突 - sheath process of sphenoid bone

n.蝶骨小翼 - small wing of sphenoid bone

n.蝶棘 - spine of sphenoid

n.大翼鱗緣 - squamous margin of great wing of sphenoid bone

n.蝶骨鞘突 - vaginal process of sphenoid bone

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