thoron['θɔ:rɔn, 'θəu-]n. 釷射氣;釷試劑
thoron 釷射氣;釷試劑;釷射氣 釷射氣;釷射氣 釷射氣;
1.Both radon and thoron exposure monitoring method at the same time, and thoron exposure only monitoring method with absorber discriminating radon are developed. 研究了平行測量氡、氣土 暴露量和加吸收體甄別掉氡的直接測量氣土 暴露量的兩種方法 ,並建立了簡易刻度系統。
2.The natural background radiation sources contribute 9
3. 4% of the total collective dose to the chinese population, of which 48% is due to exposure from radon and thoron daughters. 在中國國民所受照射中天然本底輻射占93.4%,其中氡
3.To improve the detectable limit of radioactive aerosol monitors, it is very important to eliminate the interference of the natural background, i. e. radon and thoron daughter aerosol. 為提高放射性氣溶膠監測儀的靈敏度,消除天然本底即氡子體氣溶膠的干擾是極為重要的。