explainedv. 解釋(explain的過去式及過去分詞)
explained 解釋;Explained variance 已說明方差;可釋方差;釋義:解釋方差;被解釋變異、 回歸離差平方和;explained away 解釋掉;fully explained 完全破解;Economics Explained 經濟學的秘密;
1.How can you explain such a silly remark? 你怎能解釋這樣一個愚蠢的意見?
2.I explained a word to our audience as well. 我還給觀眾朋友們講解了一個詞呢。
3.He explained that soldiers must obey orders. 他解釋說軍人必須服從命令。
He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. - 他解釋說,他的飲食控制得太嚴格了,以致不得不偶爾獎賞自己一下。
As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing! - 正如指揮官後來解釋的那樣,基地的這半邊不知道那半邊正在幹什麼!
She explained that Rastus was very dear to her. - 拉姆齊太太解釋說她心疼她的貓拉斯特斯。
When the brothers were reunited, Hans explained how it was that he was still alive. - 兄弟倆團聚之時,漢斯說明了他活下來的經過,
It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than else. - 誰也弄不清為什麼大學生好像比任何人都更喜歡惡作劇。
The contemporary phenomenon of motor-car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails. - 當前崇拜汽車現象可以用與所有權相伴的獨立和自由意識來解釋。
I explained to her that the rich were the enemies of the people of France. - 我向她解釋,財主老爺才是法國人民的敵人。
But you still haven't explained what you're doing here. - 啊,你還沒有說你是來幹什麼的。
He explained that he had tried to fix the air-line to the supply line that ran round the port but could not because the fittings did not match. - 他解釋說他想供氣管安裝到鋪設在碼頭周圍的供應管上,但因為接頭不相配而接不上。