n. pace
gait[ɡeit]n. 步法,步態vt. 訓練步法
gait 步態;步伐;步法/速率;步法;festinating gait 慌張步態;慌張步態(震顫麻痺及其他神經性疾病);慌張步態(震顫麻痺及其他神經性疾病);gait training 步態訓練;步態練習;釋義:步態訓練;heavy gait 沉重的步態;drunkard gait 醉漢步態;
1.He moves with the slow confident gait of a successful man. 他以一個成功男人緩慢而又自信的步伐走路。
2.But the zombie, with its staggering gait and glassy expression, can also be comic. 然而,蹣跚的步態和木訥的語言也能讓殭屍充滿戲劇效果。
3.Measurements indicate that the individual who made the footprints was about our size, height, and gait. 測量結果顯示,這個留下腳印的人符合我們的體形大小,高度和步態。
gait test - 步行試驗
外展步態 - abduction gait
n.步態異常 - abnormal gait
共濟失調步態 - atactic gait
n.共濟失調步態 - ataxic gait
小腦病步態,搖擺步態 - cerebellar gait
醉酒步態 - drunken gait
慌張步態 - festinating gait
僵化步態 - frozen gait
n.偏臀步態 - gluteal gait
臀大肌步態 - gluteus maximus gait
中臀肌步態 - gluteus medius gait
n.鵝步 - goose gait
跟步態 - heel gait
n.環形步態,螺旋形步態 - helicopod gait
n.偏癱步態 - hemiplegic gait
跨閾步態,高跨閾步態 - high steppage gait
n.截癱步態 - paraparetic gait
麻痺步態 - paralytic gait
n.輕癱步態 - paretic gait
巴金生氏病樣步行 - parkinsonian gait
n.步態蹣跚 - reeling gait
剪形步態,剪刀步態 - scissor gait
n.剪刀形步態 - scissors gait
曳行,曳步 - shuffling gait
痙攣性失調步態 - spastic ataxic gait
n.痙攣性步態 - spastic gait
n.步態蹣跚 - staggering gait
n.頓足步態 - stamping gait
n.跨閾步態 - steppage gait
搖擺步態 - swaying gait
脊髓癆步態 - tabetic gait
縱列步法,一前一後排列的步法 - tandem gait
蹣跚步態,鴨步態 - waddling gait