





n. logic gate


gate[ɡeit]n. 大門;出入口;門道vt. 給…裝大門


gate 澆口;閘極;前花園籬笆上的門;鐵鎖的能打開的部分。;HEAVENS GATE 天堂之門;天堂的大門;gate circuit 門電路;門電路選通電路;閘電路;閘門電路;gate pass 通行證;攜物出門單;top gate 頂注澆口;頂澆進模口;上平巷;頂澆口;


1.For this is the last gate, the last opportunity. 因為這是最後一道門,最後一次機會。

2.Do you know the name of the girl standing at the gate? 站在大門口的那個女孩子叫什麼名字你知不知道?

3.I happened to meet our English teacher at the school gate. 在學校大門口我碰巧遇到了我們的英語老師。


That's like closing the gate after the horse has bolted. - 那無異於馬後炮。

What is the gate number? - 登機門是幾號?

Where is gate six? - 6號登機門在哪兒?

Where is the boarding gate for this flight? - 這班飛機的登機門在哪兒?

Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark. - 我家的狗雷克斯,過去常坐在大門外面叫。

As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. - 它從外面把門一打開,就走進花園,等著門自動關上。

Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since. - 昨天,我丈夫把門卸了下來,雷克斯很生氣,此後我們便再也沒有見到它。

The two boys carried the man to the school gate keeper's room. - 兩個男孩將那個人抬到了學校門衛的房間。

Don't crowd round him, said the gate keeper. - 「不要圍著他,」學校門衛說。

Do you see the big gate over there? - 你看見那邊的大門了嗎?

Go through the gate and you'll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side. - 穿過大門,你就可以在門那邊找到通往熊國的入口了。


fire from the gate of life - 命火

gate of life - 命門

fire from the gate of life; fire of the vital gate - 命門之火

decline of the fire form the gate of life; decline of the fire from the gate of life - 命門火衰

he right kidney as the vital gate of life; the left kidney and the right vital organ - 左腎右命

n. whirl gate feeder - 急旋口送料器

n. gate riser - 控制上升器

n. gate rising method - 控制上升法

n. gate feed - 控制極電源

n. whirl gate feeder - 漩渦式閘板給料器

n. gate metal - 框式金屬

n. gate cutting - 澆口切割

n. gate model - 澆口型式

n. gate spoon - 澆口杓

n. gate spoon - 澆注杓

n. gate model - 澆注模型

n. gate road - 澆道路徑

warming and recuperating the gate of life - 溫補命門

n. gate guard - 門式安全裝置

n. gate feed - 門式進料

n. gate guard - 門脈衝保護器

gate control theory - 閘門學說

gate mechanism - 閘門機制

n. gate closure type safety device - 閘門電路截止安全裝置

n. gate closure type safety device - 閘門電路截止式安全裝置

n. gate feed - 閘門電路饋電


n.與門 - and gate

n.命門火衰 - decline of the fire form the gate of life

n.命門火衰 - decline of the fire from the gate of life

n.精門 - essence gate

n.命火,命門之火 - fire from the gate of life

n.命門之火,火 - fire of the vital gate

n.左腎右命 - he right kidney as the vital gate of life

n.生門 - life gate

n.排斥門 - rejection gate

n.溫補命門 - warming and recuperating the gate of life


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