





a. median


medial['mi:diəl]adj. 中間的;平均的;普通的n. 中間字母


medial 中間的,平均的;中間的;內側的;中間;medial moraine 中磧;中〔冰;中〔冰〕磧;中央冰磧石;medial rectus 內直肌;medial meniscus 內側半月板;半月軟骨;釋義:內側半月板;內半月板;medial till 中磧;


1.However, the procedure generally should be avoided in the patient with medial and lateral joint line pain. 但是這個程序在中間和側邊關節線疼痛病人通常應該盡量避免。

2."When you look at 10-year-olds, they show this same medial prefrontal cortex activation as adults do, " Lieberman notes. 利伯曼指出:「你看10歲小孩的腦部造影,內側前額葉皮質同成年人一樣受到了活化。」

3.To present a new techique of surgery that using part of medial rectus muscle as orbital is fixture to treat oculomotor paralyess. 介紹一種新的手術方法,用部分內直肌作為眶緣固定物,矯治動眼神經麻痺引起的外斜視。


medial basal segment of lower lobe - 下葉內基底段

medial nucleus of thalamus; nucleus medialis thalami - 丘腦內側核

medial thalamic syndrome - 丘腦內側綜合征

medial central nucleus; nucleus centralis medialis - 中央內側核

medial type - 中間型

medial nucleus of mammillary body; nucleus corporis mammillaris mediales - 乳頭體內側核

medial mammary branches; rami mammarii mediales - 乳房內側支

malleolus medialis; medial maleolus; medial malleolus - 內踝

arteria malleolaris anteriormedialis; medial anterior malleolar artery - 內踝前動脈

arteria malleolaris posterior medialis; medial posterior malleolar artery - 內踝後動脈

sprain of medial condyle - 內踝扭傷

carbuncle on the medial malleolus - 內踝疽

fracture of medial malleolus - 內踝骨折

epicondylus medialis; medial epicondyle - 內上髁

medial hypothalamic lesion - 內側下丘腦損害

lemniscus medialis; medial lemniscus - 內側丘系

decussatio lemnisci; decussation of medial lemniscus - 內側丘系交叉

medial forebrain bundle - 內側前腦束

medial accessory olivary nucleus; nucleus olivaris accessorius medialis - 內側副橄欖核

rupture of medial accessory ligament - 內側副韌帶斷裂

calciffication of medial accessory ligament - 內側副韌帶鈣化

derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus - 內側半月板前角擾亂

derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus - 內側半月板後角擾亂

derangement of medial meniscus - 內側半月板擾亂

labium mediale; medial lip - 內側唇

gyri olfactorii medialis; medial olfactory gyri - 內側嗅回

medial olfactory striae; striae olfactoriae medialis - 內側嗅紋

caput mediale; medial head - 內側頭

medial basal branch; ramus basalis medialis - 內側底支

medial basal segment; segmentum bassale mediale - 內側底段

medial basal segmental bronchus - 內側底段支氣管

ligamentum arcuatum mediale; medial arcuate ligament - 內側弓狀韌帶

medial branch; ramus medialis - 內側支

fasciculus medialis; medial fasciculus - 內側束

lamina medialis; medial plate - 內側板

medial root; radix medialis - 內側根

medial cuneiform bone; os cuneiforme mediale - 內側楔骨

medial segment; segmentum mediale - 內側段

arteria segmenti medialis; medial segmental artery - 內側段動脈

bronchus segmentalis medialis; medial segmental bronchus - 內側段氣管

medial sulcus; sulcus medialis - 內側溝

medial cutaneous branch; ramus cutaneus medialis - 內側皮支

extremitas medialis; medial extremity - 內側端

medial longitudinal arch - 內側縱弓

mif syndrome; syndrome of medial longitudinal fasciculus - 內側縱束綜合征

medial longitudinal stria; stria longitudinalis medialis - 內側縱紋

medial tubercle; tuberculum mediale - 內側結節

margo medialis; medial margin - 內側緣

crus mediale; medial crus - 內側腳

corpus geniculatum mediale; medial geniculate body - 內側膝狀體


踝前內側動脈 - anterior medial malleolar artery

n.內側踝皮下囊 - bursa of medial malleolus

n.跟骰內側韌帶 - calcaneocuboid medial ligament

n.內側副韌帶鈣化 - calciffication of medial accessory ligament

n.內踝疽 - carbuncle on the medial malleolus

n.股陰疽 - cellulitis on the medial aspect of the thigh

n.囊性中層壞死,囊腫狀中層壞死 - cystic medial necrosis

n.內側丘系交叉 - decussation of medial lemniscus

n.內側半月板前角擾亂 - derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus

n.內側半月板擾亂 - derangement of medial meniscus

n.內側半月板後角擾亂 - derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus

內側足背皮神經 - dorsal medial cutaneous nerve

n.第二趾背內側神經 - dorsal medial nerve of second toe

n.內踝骨折 - fracture of medial malleolus

n.肝左內側區 - left medial segment

n.翼內肌神經 - nerve to medial pterygoid

n.內側膝狀體核 - nucleus of medial geniculate body

n.脈絡叢後內側支 - posterior medial branch of choroid plexus

視網膜內側小動脈 - retinal medial arteriole

n.右側內直肌 - right medial rectus

n.內側副韌帶斷裂 - rupture of medial accessory ligament

n.肘內側韌帶斷裂 - rupture of medial collateral ligament of elbow

n.內踝扭傷 - sprain of medial condyle

n.內側縱束綜合征 - syndrome of medial longitudinal fasciculus

n.內廉瘡 - ulcer on the medial aspect of the leg

n.內外踝傷 - wound of lateral and medial malleoli

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