





n. resume ,sight ,sketch ,studyv. appraise ,follow ,go over ,surveil


survey[sə:'vei, 'sə:vei, sə-]n. 調查;測量;審視;縱覽vt. 調查;勘測;俯瞰vi. 測量土地


survey 調查;信息反饋;查勘;信息反饋等;sample survey 抽樣調查;先行甸;樣本調查;樣本甸;survey method 調查法;調查方法;預先準備問題;調查研究法;construction survey 施工測量;建築測量;survey line 測線;觀測線;測邊;勘界;


1.He surveyed Arthur Hailey's novels before presenting the award. 頒獎之前他概括地評述了阿瑟黑利的小說。

2.He makes a market survey report to the company. 於是,他寫了一份市場調查報告給公司。

3.User survey is one of important methods in user study. 用戶調查是用戶研究中最重要的研究方法。


Yes. Here's the survey report issued by the Health Office, which is absolutely reliable. - 有。這是由衛生檢疫所簽發的檢驗報告,它是絕對可靠的。

We should require a survey report, so that we may know the extent of the damage. - 我們將要求出具檢驗報告,以便我們能瞭解損壞的程度。

Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. - 於是,到了1989年,飛機失事26年後,在對小島的一次航空勘查中那架飛機被意外地發現了。

A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. - 最近一個有關噪音的作用的調查(令人吃驚地)指出,夜間連續不斷的狗叫聲,在一個從1級至7級刻度表上應列為最嚴重的噪間污染。

The survey revealed a large number of sources of noise that we really dislike. - 這個調查顯示出很大數目我們不喜歡的噪音源:

The noise pollution survey revealed a rather spurring and possibly amusing old fashioned source of noise. - 這個有關噪音的污染調查還揭示了一種出人意外而同時可能會引人意外而同時可能會引人發笑的老式噪音源。


n. survey iron - 傳送鐵

retrospective survey study - 回顧調查研究

survey meter - 巡測儀

exploer; survey meter - 探索器

survey of water pollution - 水體污染調查

mass x-ray survey car; mobile radio diagnostic equipment - 流動X線診斷車

n. survey meter - 測量儀

field survey design - 現場調查設計

survey of growth and development - 生長發育調查

general survey of tumor - 腫瘤普查

sanitary survey of food enterprise - 食品企業衛生調查

survey of the rat density - 鼠密度調查


病歷調查 - anamnesis survey

環境調查,區域測量 - area survey

n.本底調查 - background survey

n.癌症情況調查 - cancer attitutude survey

n.個案病例調查 - case survey

雙生兒調查法 - co-twin survey

n.全面調查 - complete survey

齒科衛生調查 - dental health survey

檢診 - detection survey

飲食調查 - diet survey

n.膳食調查 - dietary survey

n.病因調查 - etioogical survey

n.流行病學調查 - epidemiological survey

n.現場調查 - field survey

n.現場調查設計 - field survey design

n.隨訪 - follow-up survey

n.腫瘤普查 - general survey of tumor

n.梯度篩選法調查 - gradient screen survey

n.發育調查 - growth survey

n.健康調查 - health survey

衛生調查 - hygiene survey

草草應付的衛生調查報告 - hygiene walkthrough survey report

深入衛生調查 - in-depth hygiene survey

工業衛生搏衍了事的調查 - industrial hygiene walk-through survey

電離箱式測量表 - ionization chamber type survey meter

n.肝腫瘤調查 - liver tumor survey

n.普查 - mass survey

n.流動X線診斷車 - mass x-ray survey car

n.配對調查 - matched survey

就醫調查 - medical user survey

道德檢查,精神檢查 - moral survey

n.疾病調查 - morbidity survey

全國保健營養檢查系統 - national health and nutrition examination survey

國尼營養調查 - national health survey

國尼營養調查 - national nutrition survey

營養調查 - nutrition survey

n.營養衛生調查 - nutritional hygienic survey

n.暴發調查 - outbreak survey

n.現患調查 - prevalence survey

n.前瞻性調查 - prospective survey

n.呼吸系統疾病意見調查 - respiratory illness opinion survey

n.回顧調查研究 - retrospective survey study

安全性考慮 - safety survey

n.抽樣調查 - sampling survey

n.衛生調查 - sanitary survey

n.食品企業衛生調查 - sanitary survey of food enterprise

n.調查表 - schedule of survey

n.追蹤調查 - tracking survey

n.雙生兒調查 - twin survey

n.典型調查 - typical survey

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