biotic[bai'ɔtik,-kəl]adj. 生物的;有關生命的
biotic 生命的,生物的;生物的;生命的;生物群集(聚);biotic factor 生物因素;生命因素;生物因子;生物條件,生物因素;biotic succession 生物性演替;生物消長;生物演替;生物順序,生物性演替,生物演替;biotic balance 生物平衡;生物均衡;釋義:生物平衡;biotic district 生物區;
1.As a kind of biotic community, the enterprise cluster possesses some behavioral traits of the animal community. 作為一種群落組織,企業集群有著動物社群生活的行為特徵。
2.So-called "health and wellness" products such as pro-biotic yoghurts and organic foods have also dropped sharply. 所謂的「保健品和營養品」,如益生菌酸奶和有機食品的銷售也出現大幅下滑。
3.The chemical behavior of trace elements in biotic process of human body on the basis of coordination chemistry theory was discussed. 從配位化學的角度,論述了微量元素在人體生命過程中的化學行為。
biotic index of pollution - 污染生物指數
bionergy; biotic energy - 生命力
biotic pesticide - 生物農藥
bioelectric potential; bioelectrical potential; biotic potential - 生物電位
biocenosis; biocommunity; biotic community - 生物群落
bioenergetics; bioenergy; biotic energy - 生物能