





n. heating ,thaw ,thawinga. calefacient


warming['wɔ:miŋ]n. 加溫,暖和;氣溫升高adj. 讓人感到暖和的v. 加溫;興奮;同情(warm的ing形式)


warming 氣溫升高;升溫;變暖;加溫;warming up 加熱,升熱;暖機;加熱;暖化;feed warming 燉飼料;warming irrigation 保溫灌溉;保溫澆灌;ocean warming 海洋水溫升高;


1.As busy as the lawyers are, they are only warming up. 根據律師的忙碌度來看,現在他們僅僅在熱身。

2.However, online climate change skeptics have seized on the data as proof that global warming is a hoax. 然而,網上的氣候變化懷疑論者已抓住數據,作為證明全球變暖是一個騙局。

3.The experiment study the pyrolysis behaviors of coal slime and riverbed sludge using the method of liner warming. 實驗採用線型升溫的方法對煤泥水與河湖底泥共熱解制氫特性進行了研究。


warming the over-exhausted - 勞者溫之

dispelling cold and warming the kidney - 散寒溫腎

warming the kidney - 暖腎

warm the spleen and the stomach; warming the spleen and stomach - 暖脾胃

warming the middle-jiao - 溫中

warming the middle-jiao to stop vomiting - 溫中止吐

warming the middle-jiao to arrest vomiting - 溫中止嘔

warming the middle-jiao to stop diarrhea - 溫中止瀉

warming the middle-jiao to alleviate pain - 溫中止痛

warming and resolving cold phlegm - 溫化寒痰

mild moxibustiom; mild moxibustion; warming moxibustion - 溫和灸

warming up the spleen and kidney - 溫暖脾腎

warming the channel - 溫經

warming the channels and stopping bleeding - 溫經止血

decoction for warming channels - 溫經湯

promoting the flow of qi by warming the channel; promoting the flow of qi by warming thechannel - 溫經通絡

warming the channels and stopping bleeding - 溫經通陽

warming the liver - 溫肝

warming the lung; warning the lung - 溫肺

warming the lung and reducing phlegm - 溫肺化痰

warming the lumg to reduce watery phlegm; warning the lung to reduce watery phlegm - 溫肺化飲

warming the kidney - 溫腎

warming the kidney to promote diuresis - 溫腎利水

warm the kidney to invigoratr yang; warming the kidney to invigorate yang - 溫腎壯陽

warming the stomach; warming the stonach - 溫胃

warming the spleen - 溫脾

decoction for warming spleen - 溫脾湯

warming the blood - 溫血

warming and invigouating - 溫補

warming and recuperating the gate of life - 溫補命門

mildly reinforce the kidney-yang; warming and recuperating the kidney-yang - 溫補腎陽

warming and invigorating the spleen and stomach; warming and invigouating the spleen and stomach - 溫補脾胃

needle warming through moxibustion - 溫針灸

warming yang - 溫陽

warming yang to promote diuresis; warning yang to promote diuresis - 溫陽利水

warming yang for diuresis - 溫陽利濕

prescription of hot nature; warming prescripition; warming prescription; warming prescriptions - 熱劑

warming after applying drug - 熱烘


n.溫經湯 - decoction for warming channels

n.溫脾湯 - decoction for warming spleen

n.散寒溫腎 - dispelling cold and warming the kidney

體腦內部加溫 - intracoelom warming

n.溫針灸 - needle warming through moxibustion

n.溫經通絡 - promoting the flow of qi by warming the channel

n.溫經通絡 - promoting the flow of qi by warming thechannel

n.采暖衛生要求 - sanitary standard of warming

n.溫法 - therapy by warming

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