heinrichn. 海因裡希(男子名)
Heinrich 海因裡希;亨利;Christian Heinrich 艾利施;安立池;Heinrich Alt 德國勞工部官員艾爾特;奧爾特;阿爾特;勞工局官員艾爾特;Heinrich Krauss 克勞斯;Heinrich Pestalozzi 裴斯泰洛齊;
1."Days, a certain television release, " Heinrich Ott bread "-" This day has passed. 「前些天,某某電視台放《奧特饅》——」一天就這樣過去了。
2.The effect was discovered in 1887 by Heinrich Hertz and explained by Albert Einstein in work for which he received the Nobel Prize. 光電效應是赫茲在1887年發現的,愛因斯坦對它作出了解釋,為此,愛因斯坦獲得了諾貝爾獎。
3.Application of Heinrich Rule in safe practice was introduced and the idea that enterprise with inherent safety will be established using module method is put forward as well. 扼要引用本質安全的原理,討論事故致因,介紹海因裡希法則在安全實踐中的應用,提出按模塊化方式逐步構建本質安全型企業的設想。