





n. banding ,dance band ,lot ,stripev. ring


band[bænd]n. 帶;樂隊;鬆緊帶;一幫;傳送帶vi. 聯合;聚焦vt. 使團結;用帶捆;用條紋裝飾;給…鑲邊


band 管樂隊;頻段,;存儲單元;波段,大樂隊;Sawsvertical band 立式帶鋸;立勢帶鋸;band spectrum 帶狀光譜,帶狀譜;帶光譜;帶狀譜;帶狀光譜;Band saw 帶鋸;環形鋸;帶鋸機;帶巨機;valence band 價帶;價電子帶;價電帶;價電帶;


1.The bird was banded. 這隻鳥的腳上被套上標記環。

2.On his waist hanged a ragged band. 翻譯他的腰上掛著一條破帶子。

3.Capacity - not just how much the band. 容量——不只是能帶多少東西。


Which band of College English Test have you passed? - 大學英語考試過了幾級?

and used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends. - 週末還經常在爵士樂隊中打鼓。

Sir Johan Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence. - 約翰。霍克伍德爵士帶著一隊士兵來到意大利,在佛羅倫薩附近駐紮下來,


discontinuous band absorption - 不連續光帶吸收

spectral band absorption - 光譜帶吸收

spectral band width - 光譜帶寬度

immunofluorescent band test - 免疫螢光帶試驗

orthodentic band strip for incisors - 切牙用正畸帶環片

n. rigid band approximation - 剛帶近似

n. rigid band approximation - 剛性巖能帶近似法

n. band arc welding - 區域電弧焊

plica vestibularis; ventricular band of larynx - 喉室帶

band spectrum; banded spectrum - 帶光譜

band spectrum analysis - 帶光譜分析

n. band arc overlay welding - 帶弧疊焊

n. band arc welding - 帶弧焊接

band like; bandlike - 帶樣的

band neutrocyte - 帶狀核中性白細胞

band neutrocyte - 帶狀核粒細胞

n. band electrode - 帶狀電極

n. band arc welding - 帶狀電極電弧焊

band shaped; bandshaped; teniform; tenioid - 帶狀的

band shift - 帶移

band filter - 帶通濾波器

n. band gap - 帶隙

band form nucleus; stab nucleus - 桿狀核

band cell; stab cell - 桿狀核細胞

band cell; stab cell - 桿狀白細胞

baculiform; band form; rod shaped - 桿狀的

n. band electrode - 條電極

wave band changing switch - 波段調換器

diffuse band absorption - 漫射光帶吸收

short band off union of the tendons; vinculum breve - 短紐

orthodontic band strip for molars - 磨牙用正畸帶環片

band adapter - 置圈器

band model - 能帶模型

band splitting - 譜帶分裂

band origin - 譜帶原線

band head - 譜帶頭

band width; effective bandwidth; spectral bandwidth - 譜帶寬度

band spreading - 譜帶擴展

band tailing - 譜帶拖尾

band impurity - 譜帶雜質

n. band calculation - 譜帶計算

band pass - 通帶

frequency band compression - 頻帶壓縮

band width - 頻帶寬

n. band calculation - 頻帶計算

n. band spectrum - 頻帶譜


n.暗帶 - a band

n.吸收譜帶 - absorbing band

n.吸收帶,吸收譜帶 - absorption band

n.吸收帶 - absorptoin band

n.吸附帶 - adsorption band

n.粘連帶 - adhesive band

n.玻璃體癜痕帶切斷術 - amputation o fvitreous cicatricial band

羊膜造影 - amniotic band

各向異性帶,A帶 - anisotropic band

錨帶,固定帶 - anchor band

n.不對稱吸收帶 - asymmetrical absorption band

n.布羅卡氏帶 - brocas band

染色體帶 - chromosome band

纖毛環,纖毛帶 - ciliary band

凝固帶 - coagulation band

n.綜合帶 - combination band

n.導帶 - conduction band

縮窄帶 - constriction band

n.銅圈 - copper band

臨界帶 - critical band

n.氰帶 - cyanogen band

n.暗帶 - dark band

n.死譜帶 - dead band

n.斜角小帶 - diagonal band

n.漫射光帶吸收 - diffuse band absorption

n.不連續光帶吸收 - discontinuous band absorption

彈性帶固定 - elastic band fixation

n.流出帶,洗脫帶 - elution band

n.能帶 - energy band

n.滿帶 - filled band

n.火焰輻射帶 - flame band

n.頻率帶 - frequency band

n.頻帶壓縮 - frequency band compression

胚帶,胚縈 - germ band

n.亨森氏盤 - h band

磁頭條帶,耳機頭環 - head band

n.頸牽引帶 - head traction band

n.橫紋肌明板 - i band

n.免疫螢光帶試驗 - immunofluorescent band test

n.紅外線譜帶 - infra-red band

n.初始譜帶 - initial band

n.干擾譜帶 - interference band

各向同性帶,I帶 - isotropic band

外側淋巴索,側淋巴帶 - lateral lymphatic band

n.咽側索 - lateral pharyngeal band

n.四肢電極縛帶 - limbs electrode band

狼瘡帶試驗 - lupus band test

n.成形片,型片 - matrix band

中胚層帶 - mesodermal band

n.節制索帶 - moderator band


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