Basher Tarr 巴捨·塔爾;Bela Tarr 貝拉塔爾;貝拉.塔爾;Tarr Chronicles 塔爾歷代記;Tarr Chronicles Sign of Ghosts 幽靈的痕跡;
1.Sad to say, Tarr Chronicles(after 1. 0.
3. 0) and Dark Horizon has fatal bug… 不幸的是,塔爾歷代記(後1。0。3。0 )和暗視野有致命的缺陷…
2.Police also say Tarr's car turned out to be stolen and so were the Christmas cards found under the seat of the vehicle. 經查證,這輛讓他落網的轎車是盜竊所得,連車座下面的聖誕卡片也是他順手牽羊偷來的。
3.The woman, who had noticed her laptop computer on the rear seat of the car as she walked by the car, returned to her house as Tarr tried frantically to move the vehicle. 無奈,女子轉身離去,無意間竟瞥見自家的手提電腦在後車座上。她佯裝什麼也沒發生一樣向家走去,塔爾則開始發瘋般地用盡全身力氣推車。