





abnegate fail 捨棄;Fail Safe Aborts 故障安全中斷;Fail Safe Aborts 故障安全中斷;abnegate fail 捨棄;be bungled fail 砸鍋;


1.Rule of Repair:When you must fail, fail nosily and as soon as possible. 修復準則:如果你必須出錯,盡可能響亮和快速的出錯。

2.Rule of Repair:When you must fail, fail nosily and as soon as possible. 修復準則:如果注定失敗,要盡早,要大聲。

3.Many small service firms fail to analyze their services' total cost, and therefore fail to price them profitably. 許多小型勞務公司不分析它們的勞務總成本,因此也就不能定出有利可圖的價格。

4.If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Think about it. 如果你的計畫失敗,你就是計畫去失敗了,仔細想想。

5.This configuration will result in a fail-safe process mode that will keep the cooling on if the thermocouples fail. 這種組態將導致故障安全過程模式,如果熱電偶故障,它將保持冷卻。


If I fail this exam I'll fail the course. - 我要是考試沒通過,這門課就沒學分了。

If you fail this test you'll be kicked out of school. - 你這次考試要是不過就得離校。

If I fail this test I'll kill myself. - 我這次考試要是通不過,就得自殺了。

The signs of the city never fail to impress the foreign tourists. - 外國遊客無一不對該城市留有深刻的印象。

If you don't work, you will fail to pass the exam. - 如果你不學習,你考試就會不及格。

' If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! - 」如果你收到這樣的懇求,你是不會不遵照執行的!

The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it. - 海盜們過去常把金子埋藏在那個洞裡,可後來卻沒能取走。

Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. - 貓總能引起人們的極大興趣。

In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke witch would make an Englishman laugh to tears. - 同樣的道理,一則可以令英國人笑出淚來的笑話,俄國人聽了可能覺得沒有什麼可笑之處。

When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate, some woman assume that their husbands will somehow put things right. - 每當電燈保險絲燒斷、傢俱榫頭鬆動、管道堵塞、吸塵器不動時,有些妻子認為丈夫總有辦法。

Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. - 我們大多數人想自我完善卻遭到失敗,這是因為我們的規劃過於宏大,而又根本沒有時間去實施。

I'm afraid that he'll forget it if he misses so many lessons. He may even fail his Chinese exam. - 如果他再缺這麼多課,恐怕他會忘記很多的。他的漢語考試甚至會不及格。


The zang-fu organs fail to be nourished - 臟腑失養


n.臟腑失養 - The zang-fu organs fail to be nourished

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