bandwagon['bænd,wæɡən]n. 流行,時尚;樂隊花車
Bandwagon 從眾錯誤;樂隊花車;見風使舵;時尚;bandwagon fans 指那些不看隨波逐流,見風就倒的無立場 ...;bandwagon technique 挾眾宣傳技術;趕浪頭技術;Bandwagon Effect 攀比效應;從眾效應;潮流效應;花車效應;Bandwagon ffect 攀比效應;
1.More people were jumping on the bandwagon each day. 每天都有更多的人嚴厲批評這股潮流。
2.It seems like everybody is in favor of the new changes. Even Joe has jumped on the bandwagon. 看來似乎每個人都贊同這些新的變革。甚至連喬都趕搭這班革新列車了。
3.Sometimes you can tell who is going to win a big office like President or Governor by watching how many other politicians come running to jump on his bandwagon and get credit for supporting him. 有時候,妳只要看有多少政客急急忙忙表態站在某個候選人一邊,並想以支持他得到好處,妳就可以知道誰會當選像總統或州長那樣的重要官職了。