





spread angle and spread coefficient of jet 射流擴散角和擴散係數;spread angle and spread coefficient of jet 射流擴散角和擴散係數;spread angle and spread coefficient of jet 射流擴散角和擴散係數;spread angle and spread coefficient of jet 射流擴散角和擴散係數;spread abroad 傳播;


1.My mama carried a very hot egg soup, for the sake of revenge, I say, "bewared of don't spread very hot arrive feet", result spread, very hot arrive my feet. 我媽端了一碗滾燙的雞蛋湯,為了報復,我說,「當心別灑了燙到腳哦」,結果灑了,燙到了我的腳。

2.Bunchy top disease can spread from plant to plant and is also spread by aphids. 束頂病除了植株間相互感染外,還能通過一種蚜蟲傳播。

3.Cancerous glial tumors generally spread in the brain the way roots spread from a plant. 惡性膠質瘤通常會像從植物伸展出來的根須一樣在腦內擴散。

4.Most of these likely never spread or spread cryptically for a while and burned out, " he added." 但多數病毒從未傳播或秘密傳播了一小段時間後就被消滅。

5.Over time Egypt spread south and technologies such as [[iron]] working, and perhaps ideas such as that of [[monarchy]] spread into [[Nubia]] and further south. 不過埃及還是能夠通過這裡將鐵器技術,也許還有帝王的觀念傳播到南方的努比亞以及更靠南的地方。


The news spread all over the world. - 這消息傳遍全世界。

The secret was spread among the crowd. - 秘密在人群當中傳播開來。

It effectively spread the disease all over the continent and drastically reduced the rabbit population. - 蚊子把這種疾病擴散到整個澳洲大陸,效果甚佳,結果兔子的數目大為減少。

It spread through France, - 結果在整個法國蔓延開來。

and it spread to Britain where wild rabbits are regarded as a pest but where domesticated rabbits,equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry. - 這種疾病又蔓延到了英國。在英國,野兔被當作有害的動物,可是家兔是賺錢的毛皮工業的基礎,然而家兔同樣易感染這種疾病。

From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind. - 人們從斯開波斯布朗和周圍的島嶼前來觀看這艘美麗的戰船揚帆起航,乘風前進。

The golden rule here is spread your risk -- - 分散你的投資風險。


spread plate method - 平板塗布培養法

finger spread measure - 手指展開測量儀

spread plate method - 塗皿培養法

line spread function - 線源分佈函數


電流擴布,電流傳播 - current spread

電緊張性擴布,電緊張性傳播 - electrotonic spread

n.流行擴散 - epidemic spread

n.手指展開測量儀 - finger spread measure

n.血行播散,血原性擴散 - hematogenous spread

青少年的乳房癌擴散列肺 - juvenile progressive mammary cancer spread to lung

n.線源分佈函數 - line spread function

n.淋巴播散 - lymphatic spread

中央點傳播函數,中央點分佈函數 - peaked-point spread function

點傳播作用,點擴散函數 - point spread function

n.傳播 - propagation spread

n.流傳廣的 - wide spread

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