cryoglobulinemia['kraiəu,ɡlɔbjuli'ni:miə]n. [醫]冷沉球蛋白血症
cryoglobulinemia 冷球蛋白症;冷球蛋白血症;冷沉澱球蛋白血症;釋義:冷球蛋白血症;Primary cryoglobulinemia 釋義:原發性冷球蛋白血症;purpura cryoglobulinemia 冷球蛋白血症紫癜;Secondary cryoglobulinemia 釋義:繼發性冷球蛋白血症;mixed cryoglobulinemia 混合型冷球白血症;
1.Cryoglobulinemia is the presence of high amount of heavy globulins (eg IgM) in the bloodstream which thicken or gel on exposure to cold (=cryoglobulins). 什麼是'冷球蛋白血症-增加血液中的球蛋白凝膠對冷暴露'?
2.Cryoglobulinemia is the presence of high amount of heavy globulins (eg IgM) in the bloodstream which thicken or gel on exposure to cold (=cryoglobulins). 什麼是'冷球蛋白血症-增加血液中的球蛋白凝膠對冷暴露'?
3.In most cases of chronic urticaria, an underlying trigger is not found. Hodgkin's disease may be accompanied by urticaria. Cold urticaria with cryoglobulinemia is seen in multiple myeloma. 在大多數慢性蕁麻疹患者,找不到觸發原因。霍傑金氏病可伴有蕁麻疹;冷球蛋白血症引起的蕁麻疹見於多發性骨髓瘤。