





n. haematoma


hematoma[,hi:mə'təumə, ,hem-]n. [醫]血腫


hematoma 血腫;釋義:血腫;epidural hematoma 硬膜外血腫;硬腦膜外血腫;硬膜外出血;釋義:硬膜外血腫;scalp hematoma 頭皮血腫;釋義:頭皮血腫;subperiosteal hematoma 骨膜下血腫;釋義:骨膜下血腫;pelvic hematoma 釋義:盆腔血腫;盆腔血腫;


1.Results CT of brain stem hemorrhage showed high density hemorrhage and hematoma image. 結果腦幹出血CT表現為腦幹高密度出血及血腫影。

2.Conclusion: Cranial drilling hematoma evacuation drainage is a safe, effective method for treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. 結論:鑽顱術是治療高血壓性腦出血的一種較為安全有效、易操作的方法。

3.Results:36 cases pulmonary contusion, 4 cases pulmonary avulsion and pulmonary hematoma, 5 cases traumatic wet lung with pneumothorax and hemothorax were found. 結果:表現為肺挫傷36例,4例表現為肺撕裂傷及肺血腫,5例表現為創傷性濕肺伴有氣胸、血胸。


hematoma of breast - 乳房血腫

hematoma of joint - 關節血腫

intramural hematoma of duodenum - 十二指腸壁內血腫

hematoma of ovary - 卵巢血腫

hematoma of pharynx - 咽部血腫

hematoma of larynx - 喉血腫

post-traumatic hematoma of breast - 外傷後乳房血腫

post-traumatic hematoma of testis - 外傷後睪丸血腫

post-traumatic hematoma of spermatic cord - 外傷後精索血腫

post-traumatic hematoma of penis - 外傷後陰莖血腫

post-traumatic hematoma of epididymis - 外傷後附睪血腫

traumatic hematoma of nose - 外傷性鼻血腫

hematoma of vulva - 外陰血腫

hematoma of scalp - 頭皮血腫

postoperative hematoma of spermatic cord - 手術後精索血腫

hematoma of omentum - 網膜血腫

hematoma auris; othematoma - 耳血腫

hematoma of kidney - 腎血腫

hematoma of sternocleidomastoid muscle - 胸鎖乳突肌血腫

hematoma of abdominal wall - 腹壁血腫

hematoma of xcrotum - 陰囊血腫

hematoma of penis - 陰莖血腫

hematoma of clitoris - 陰蒂血腫

hematoma of vagina - 陰道血腫

hematoma of uvula - 飛瘍

hematoma of nasal septum - 鼻中隔血腫

hematoma of nose; rhinhematoma - 鼻血腫


急性硬腦膜下血腫 - acute subdural hematoma

n.急性損傷性顱內血腫 - acute traumatic intracranial hematoma

n.急性損傷性幕上血腫 - acute traumatic supratentorial hematoma

n.動脈瘤樣血腫 - aneurysmal hematoma

n.硬腦膜下血腫吸引術 - aspiration of subdural hematoma

n.股四頭肌萎縮 - atrophy of quadriceps hematoma

n.耳郭血腫 - auricular hematoma

n.頭顱血腫 - cephalic hematoma

n.慢性硬膜下腫 - chronic subdural hematoma

n.慢性縮窄性心包炎 - chronic traumatic intracranial hematoma

n.會陰血腫清除 - cleaning of perineal hematoma

n.腦內血腫清除術 - clearance of intracerebral hematoma

n.硬腦膜外血腫清除術 - clearence of epidural hematoma

n.深部血腫 - deep hematoma

n.遲發性外傷性顱內血腫 - delayed traumatic intracephalic hematoma

n.指甲下血腫引流術 - drainage of subungual hematoma

硬膜血腫 - dural hematoma

n.硬腦膜外血腫 - epidural hematoma

n.硬腦膜外血腫 - extradural hematoma

n.熱血腫 - heat hematoma

n.腦室內血腫 - intraventricular hematoma

n.腦內血腫 - intracerebral hematoma

n.顱內血腫 - intracranial hematoma

硬膜內血腫 - intradural hematoma

壁內血腫 - intramural hematoma

n.十二指腸壁內血腫 - intramural hematoma of duodenum

n.眶內血腫 - intraorbital hematoma

縱隔血腫 - mediastinal hematoma

n.顱內多發血腫 - multiple intracranial hematoma

n.口腔粘膜血泡 - oral mucosal hematoma

n.盆腔血腫 - pelvic hematoma

n.顱骨膜血腫 - pericranial hematoma

n.腎周圍血種 - perirenal hematoma

n.輸卵管腹膜血腫,輸卵管周圍血腫 - peritubal hematoma

n.外傷後乳房血腫 - post-traumatic hematoma of breast

n.外傷後附睪血腫 - post-traumatic hematoma of epididymis

n.外傷後陰莖血腫 - post-traumatic hematoma of penis

n.外傷後精索血腫 - post-traumatic hematoma of spermatic cord

n.外傷後睪丸血腫 - post-traumatic hematoma of testis

n.死後燒傷血腫 - postmortem heat hematoma

n.手術後精索血腫 - postoperative hematoma of spermatic cord

假動脈瘤,搏動性血腫 - pulsatile hematoma

n.腹膜後血腫 - retroperitoneal hematoma

n.小腦內血腫清除術 - removal of intracerebellar hematoma

n.大腦內血腫清除術 - removal of intracerebral hematoma

n.硬腦膜下血腫清除術 - removal of subdural hematoma

n.子宮後血腫 - retro-uterine hematoma

胎盤後血腫 - retroplacental hematoma

子宮後血腫 - retrouterine hematoma

n.內臟血腫 - splanchnic hematoma

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