





decelerator guide stop finger reduction device speed reducer speed reduction unit 減速器;decelerator guide stop finger reduction device speed reducer speed reduction unit 減速器;decelerator guide stop finger reduction device speed reducer speed reduction unit 減速器;decelerator guide stop finger reduction device speed reducer speed reduction unit 減速器;accent reduction 及去除外國口音課程;


1.This review outlines the reduction methods of nitro-aromatic compounds, including catalytic hydrogenation reduction, hydrazine hydrate reduction, and carbon monoxide reduction. 對主要方法-催化加氫還原法、水合肼還原法、一氧化碳還原法進行了評述。

2.The new research progress in synthesis ofp aminophenol by chemical reduction, catalytic hydrogenation, electrochemical reduction and carbonic oxide reduction from nitrobenzene was reviewed. 研究硝基苯催化加氫制備對氨基苯酚的工藝條件,對影響因素進行了探討。

3.The two steps process will include the pre-reduction of lumps of fine chromite ore by means of a rotary hearth furnace and the final reduction in a melting-reduction shaft furnace. 寶鋼股份不銹鋼分公司正與寶鋼技術中心、上海大學合作開發低成本生產含鉻>25%不銹鋼母液新工藝,該工藝採用轉底爐預還原冷固結鉻礦粉團塊或球團,再經熔化一還原豎爐終還原二步法。

4.But the attribute reduction is a NP problem, the attribution reduction and decision rule reduction will be solved by method of elicitation. 但是屬性約簡是一個NP問題,對屬性的約簡和決策規則的約簡只能通過啟髮式算法實現。

5.Steelmaking Plant of WlSCO, the main technological parameters were analyzed and optimized, such as reduction position, reduction amount, and reduction ratio. 結合武鋼二煉鋼動態輕壓下技術的應用情況,對壓下位置、壓下量、壓下率等主要參數進行了分析及優化。


open reduction and fixation of fractured maxilla - 上頜骨骨折切開復位固定術

reduction of dislocation - 上骱

pulverization; reduction to fine powder - 乳細

methylene blue reduction time - 亞甲藍還原時間

nitrite reduction test - 亞硝酸鹽還原試驗

diaplasis; reduction of dislocation - 關節脫位復位術

n. cold reduction process - 冷壓縮法

maiosis; meiosis; miosis; reducing division; reduction division - 減數分裂

dose reduction factor; dose-reduction factor; drf - 劑量減低係數

dose reduction factor - 劑量縮減因子

open reduction and fixation - 切開復位固定法

open reduction and intramedullary nailing - 切開復位髓內釘固定

open reduction and internal fixation - 切開整復內固定

subsidiary standard oxidation reduction potential - 副標準的氧化還原電勢

maneuver reduction of paraphimosis - 包皮嵌頓手法復位術

reduction of paraphimosis - 包皮嵌頓解除術

noise abatement; noise reduction noise control - 噪聲控制

tetrazolium reduction inhibition - 四唑還原抑製作用

manual reduction of paraphimosis - 嵌頓包莖手法復位

reduction of paraphimosis - 嵌頓包莖還納術

correctionand reduction on bone-setting - 平整復元

reduction by laparotomy - 開腹復位

reduction to absurdity; reductiontoabsurdity - 歸謬法

reduction of torsion - 扭轉復位術

reduction by pulling and kneading - 拔直捏正

reduction by continuous traction - 持續牽引復位

bone knitting; boneknitting; reduction of fracture; reductionoffracture; set a broken bone; setting of fracture - 接骨

reduction en bloc - 整塊回納

n. reduction in area - 斷面減少

n. fractional reduction in area - 斷面減少比

n. fractional reduction in area - 斷面縮小率

reduction of fracture; reductionoffracture - 斷骨接整

methemoglobin reduction test - 正鐵血紅蛋白還原試驗

n. gas reduction method - 氣相還原法

reduction bylithium aluminium hydride - 氫化鋁鋰還原

n. pressure reduction by hydrogen - 氫氣降壓

purgation or reduction in acupuncture - 瀉法

n. smelting reduction process - 熔化還原法

n. smelting reduction process - 熔煉還原法

n. percentage reduction of diameter - 直徑減少率

n. direct iron ore smelting reduction process - 直接離子礦熔融原過程

sinus node recovery time; sinus reduction time - 竇房結恢復時間

hold carrying; holdcarrying; reduction maneuver - 端法

reduction of intussusception - 腸套疊復位術

reduction of fracture of spine by holding on back - 脊椎骨折人背人復位

posture reduction for fracture of spine - 脊椎骨折姿勢性復位

reduction of fracture of spine by suspension - 脊椎骨折懸吊復位

n. aluminium reduction cell - 脫鋁單元

n. aluminum reduction plant - 脫鋁廠

n. aluminum reduction pot - 脫鋁錨


n.人背復位 - back-carrying reduction

n.人背復位 - back-carying reduction

n.催化還原 - catalytic reduction

n.陰極還原 - cathodic reduction

閉合復位術 - closed reduction

n.骨折閉合復位術 - closed reduction of fracture

n.平整復元 - correctionand reduction on bone-setting

拾一存活值 - decimal reduction value

n.還原測定 - determination by reduction

n.劑量減低係數,劑量縮減因子 - dose reduction factor

n.電解還原 - electrolytic reduction

n.氧化還原酶類 - enzymes of loxidationand reduction

n.正復 - eutopi reduction

n.正復 - eutopic reduction

假還原,擬減數 - false reduction

攝食量減少 - feed intake reduction

n.功能復位,功能性復位 - functional reduction

配偶子還原 - gametic reduction

n.慢性復位 - gradual reduction

n.足牮法 - heeling reduction

n.不完全還原 - incomplete reduction

n.分子內還原作用 - intramolecular reduction

n.口內切開復位法 - intraoral incision and reduction

n.入臼 - joint reduction

n.納入原位,手法復位 - manual reduction

n.嵌頓包莖手法復位 - manual reduction of paraphimosis

n.包皮嵌頓手法復位術 - maneuver reduction of paraphimosis

n.徒手復位 - manipulative reduction

n.麥爾外英一彭道夫還原 - meerwein-ponndorf reduction

n.高鐵血紅蛋白還原系統 - methemoglobin reduction system

n.正鐵血紅蛋白還原試驗 - methemoglobin reduction test

亞甲藍還原試驗 - methylene blue reduction test

n.亞甲藍還原時間 - methylene blue reduction time

有絲分裂減數,有絲分裂減 - mitotic reduction

n.減聲 - moise reduction

硝酸鹽還原,硝酸還原 - nitrate reduction

硝酸鹽還原試驗 - nitrate reduction test

n.亞硝酸鹽還原試驗 - nitrite reduction test

n.噪聲控制 - noise reduction noise control

n.切開復位,手術復位 - open reduction

n.切開復位固定法 - open reduction and fixation

n.上頜骨骨折切開復位固定術 - open reduction and fixation of fractured maxilla

n.切開整復內固定 - open reduction and internal fixation

n.切開復位髓內釘固定 - open reduction and intramedullary nailing

n.骨折切開復位術 - open reduction of fracture

n.離而復合 - osteodiastasic reduction

氧化還原電位 - oxidation reduction potential

n.光致還原 - photo reduction

斑塊減小試驗 - plaque reduction test

n.脊椎骨折姿勢性復位 - posture reduction for fracture of spine

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