soleiln. 蘇蕾(女子名、姓氏)
Soleil 索萊由;稜條緞;太陽;新創世紀;drap soleil 橫稜條綢;橫稜條綢(法);soleil velvet 有光平絨;soleil polariscope 索勒爾偏振鏡;warp soleil 經浮光亮塔夫綢;
1.I suppose that Cirque du Soleil could be tempted to enjoy their success and not work so hard. 我想太陽馬戲團可以盡情享受他們的成功而不必再那麼努力地工作了。
2.Cirque du Soleil (English: "Circus of the Sun"), is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment. 加拿大的太陽馬戲團是一個將馬戲表演與街頭藝術融合起來的表演團體,在全世界都享有盛名。
3.Laliberteis the billionaire founder of the popular Cirque du Soleil and the seventh person in history to spend millions of dollars from a personal fortune to fly into space. 拉利伯特是加拿大廣受歡迎的「太陽馬戲團」的創始人,他身家達億萬,是歷史上第七位自費花百萬美元前往太空旅遊的人。