chameleonic[kə,mi:li'ɔnik]adj. 像變色龍的;反覆無常的;輕浮的
chameleonic 變色龍似的;善變;反覆無常的;capricious chameleonic crotchety inconstant moonish 反覆無常的;flirtatious chameleonic featherbrained flighty flyaway giddy-brained light-headed 輕浮的;
1.But on the other hand, Marx described him as a chameleonic plunderer and a degrading forefather of his offspring. 然而關於配第之品質,馬克思則斥其為輕浮的掠奪者和不便公諸於世的祖像。
2.My "chameleonic disguise" and "sophistication", instead of being used in dealing with tricky relations, can only be spotted in the mediocre gimmicks I use to camouflage my inner world. 我的「善變」與「世故」從來沒有用在與人交往時的勾心鬥角,反而體現在我善於掩飾自己內心的黔驢伎倆。
3.The Hungarian communists' chameleonic qualities have also spawned quips such as this one about Ferenc Gyurcsany (pictured above, with Vladimir Putin), Hungary's current prime minister. 匈牙利共產黨反覆無常的特性也助長了大量妙語的產生,比如這個笑話就關於匈牙利現任首相費倫茨·久爾恰尼(上圖,和普京的合照)。