





FIND find 查找文件在系統中的位置;查找文件在系統的位置;查找文件在系中的位置;查找文件在系蚽 中的位;find find out 查明;The accursed ones I'll find them all 所有已被詛咒的,我將找到他們;The accursed ones I'll find them all 所有已被詛咒的,我將找到他們;iron man find the alphabets 鋼鐵人找字母;


1.Point that we not only find the approximate solution by using the perturbation method, but also can find the precise solution. 認為電場中帶電諧振子用定態微擾的方法不僅可以求近似解,也可找到其精確解。

2.Find a good pair of chinos that fit you well, and use these as your guide to find a denim line for work. 找一條合身的卡其褲子,然後以卡其褲為標準去發現一條適合上班穿的牛仔褲。

3.In addition to the lose-lose game back, I can not find any commendatory term, who will bear the consequences, the same can not find the answer. 退賽除了兩敗俱傷,我找不到任何褒義詞,誰來承擔後果,同樣找不到答案。

4.Edit Menu - Find , enter Keyword and remove all value that find in search . 編輯菜單-查找,輸入關鍵字,並刪除所有值,發現在搜索。

5.Frustrated at being unable to find a store where he could find educationally-beneficial toys for his children, he resolved to set up this kind of store himself. 這位專家由於在為自己的孩子購買玩具時,惱火的發現沒有一家玩具店是專業為孩子預備教育功能玩具的,所以決定依據兒童成長的科學規律自己創造這樣一家玩具店。


I'll need a taxi to the train station. Could you find one for me? - 我想到火車站。能為我叫輛出租車嗎?

But I am trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise. - 我正努力在執著與妥協之間找到平衡點。

I think you'll find I'm worth it. - 我想你會發現我值得拿那些錢。

I appreciate your counter-offer, but find it too low. - 謝謝你的還價,但我覺得太低了。

If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off. - 如果不行的話,我們只好放棄了。

That's right. What should we do when we find a shortage in the shipment? - 這很對。要是我們發現貨物短缺,該怎麼辦?

First you must find out the clause of the quality problems and furnish sufficient evidence. - 首先你的查查有關質量問題的條款,並提供足夠的證據。

How do you find the answers? - 你覺得這些答覆如何?

How do I find the bus stop? - 我怎樣才能找到車站?

Where can we find a good restaurant? - 我們在哪兒能找到一個好餐館?

We're strangers here; can you help us find ...? - 我們在這裡人生地不熟,您能告訴我們__在哪裡嗎?

In what aisle can I find the ...? - 我在哪排能找到……?

In what section can I find mouthwash? - 我在哪個購物區能找到漱口水呢?

Excuse me, where can I find the shoe polish? - 問一下,我到哪兒能買到鞋油?

Where can I find the stick deodorant? - 我在哪能買到棒狀除臭劑?

Excuse me, I can't seem to find my seat. Can you help me? - 不好意思,我好像找不到我的座位了。您能幫幫我嗎?

I'm new here, can you help me find my way around? - 我是新來的,你能帶我轉轉嗎?

Where can I find the information desk? - 咨詢台在哪兒?

Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon,a small canvas bag,on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?…No? - 請問今天下午有人撿到一個照像機旅行袋嗎?一個小的粗帆布袋,是在J. F. Kennedy號渡船上丟的。……沒有嗎

Maybe someone will find it. - 也許會有人發現的。

Somenoe will find it. - 總有人發現它的。

I looked all over the house to find it. - 我找遍了整間屋子才找到它。

We'll find them. - 我們會找到他們的。

We'll find the owner. - 我們會找到狗的主人的。

So how are we going to find the owners? - 那麼我們如何去找狗的主人呢?

They'll find the owner. - 他們會找到主人的。

I'm sure they'll find the owner. - 我相信他們會找到狗的主人。

so they can find her owners quickly. - 好讓他們很快找到她的主人。

Where did you find the dog? - 你在什麼地方找到這隻狗的呢?

You will try to find the dog's owner. - 你們會盡力去找尋狗的主人吧。

she'll help me find another dog. - 她會幫我另外找一隻狗。

I find myself in an embarrassing situation. - 我現在有一件很糗的事。

Richard feels we need to find a small house. Richard - 覺得我們需要一個小住宅。

Did you find one? - 找到合適的嗎?

to help you find a house now. - 幫助你們找房子。

But we'd like to find out - 但我們想知道

And we'd like to find out about a mortgage. - 我們想知道如何貸款。

We'll find a solution. - 我們會找到解決的辦法。

So I try hard to find opportunities for people like you. - 所以我努力為像你這樣的人尋找機會。

Now we'll find out about the surprise. - 現在我們可以知道是什麼樣的驚喜了。

I'll call and find out. - 我打電話問看看。

I got lost for two days and I couldn't find anyone who could understand me. - 我已經迷路兩天了,找不到一個人可以聽懂我的話。

Did you find the sandwich I made for you? - 你找到我為你做的三明治了嗎?

We need to find time to be together more, - 我們確實需要多找時間相聚一起

he could help you find a real good job in Los Angeles. - 他能夠幫你在Los Angeles找個很好的工作。

And about helping me find a job in Los Angeles. - 請他幫我在Los Angeles找一份工作。

maybe she'll find someone else in the meantime, - 她也許會在這段時間找別的人。

and I've been trying to find just the right thing for her. - 而我一直在為她找件合適的東西。

You'll never get to college to find out, Robbie, - 你根本就進不了大學去探究這個問題的答案 ,Robbie,

I'll find the people to help do it. - 我可以找人來幫忙。

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