





n. associate in nursing


an[ॼ຃ম, ॼ౉ٮ, n]art. 一(在元音字母前)


AN 丙烯腈;接入網;上述的;錒射氣;AN Anode 陽極;an- 無,非,缺,不;成員、一部分;詞根,不,無;起始,加,附;An Accident 意外;一場意外;突如其來;忘記時被砸醒;wan an 晚安;我愛你 愛你;我愛你愛你;拼音是;


1.Is it a house or an apartment? 是一棟平房還是一棟公寓呢?

2.Sometimes I have an egg or two. 有時候,我吃一個或兩個雞蛋。

3.I have an apple and a sandwich. 我吃一個蘋果和一個三明治。


We're organizing an informal party, and I'd like you to come. - 我們計劃組織一個非正式聚會,我想請你參加。

I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu. - 我想跟徐小姐約個會面的時間。

Oh, she has an opening tomorrow at ten. - 哦,她明天上午10點有空。

I need to make an appointment with you tonight. - 我想今晚約你。

I'd like to make an appointment to discuss a question. - 我想約個時間討論個問題。

May I make an appointment now? - 現在可以預約門診嗎?

Yes, he makes house calls, but the doctor has an opening only after 2:00 p.m. - 好,他願出診,但他在下午2點後才有空。

Hello. This is an emergency. Can you please send an ambulance? - 喂,這兒有急病患者,請派一部救護車來。

Sir, I thought this was an emergency. - 先生,我想這是一位急病患者。

OK, sir, just sit tight, and we'll have an ambulance there in about ten minutes. - 好的,先生。你就在那邊等著,救護車10分鐘之內到。

There is an emergency. Please send a fire engine. - 這有火災,請盡快派消防車來。

No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you. - 沒錯,這可是真跡。我父親的朋友是書法家,專門幫你寫的。

Yes. I have an upset stomach. - 是的,我的胃很難受。

Hi. I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check. - 嗨,我想兌換美國運通的旅行支票。

My father is an engineer of a construction company, and mother is a doctor. - 我父親是一家建築公司的工程師,母親是一名醫生。

Yes, I have been working in an advertisement company in the last two years. - 是的,在過去兩年裡,我一直在一家廣告公司工作。

I have been a secretary in an insurance company. - 我一直在一家保險公司擔任秘書工作。

No, I think I am an excellent match for this job. - 不,我認為我恰好適合這個職位。

You've really been keeping an eye on quality. - 你們的確在質量上下了功夫!

I've put an X next to the place where you should sign. - 我已在你該簽名的地方後面標示了X。

To honor an order of big size like yours, it's beyond our financial capability. - 執行像你們這樣一個龐大的訂貨,超過了我們的財務能力。

Well, I have an appointment now, I'll have to go. - 嗯,我還有一個約會,我得走了。

It's such an important decision. - 這是一個如此重要的決定。

I have an announcement to make. - 我要宣佈一件事。

Really? I'm not much of an outdoor person. - 真的?我不是很喜歡戶外活動的人。

Ah, you are an early bird then! - 你原來是早起的人。

Yes, but I'm only an amateur. - 是的,我僅僅是業餘愛好。

Yes. I would like an application. - 是的,我想要一份申請表。

Can you arrange an interview for tomorrow? - 你可以安排在明天面談嗎?

That's not an overstatement. As I said, these are only the main ones. There are many others. - 你這樣說一點也不誇張,我只是說了幾個重要的節日,還有很多沒有提及呢。

I want to buy an engagement ring for my fiancee. - 我想為我的未婚妻買一枚訂婚戒指。

Allow me to suggest an alternative. - 讓我提個其他的建議吧。

Let's plan an after-graduation trip! - 讓我們計劃一次畢業後的旅行!

I attended college on an athletic scholarship. - 我靠體育獎學金上的大學。

Kissing someone that smokes is like kissing an ashtray. - 吻一個煙民就像吻一個煙灰缸。

Would you like an appetizer? - 你想來點開胃小菜嗎?

I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over. - 我要請一個室內裝需工程師來看看這個地方。

I'm as strong as an ox. - 我像牛一樣壯。

I would like to make an appointment with... - 我想和……約一下。

It's been an extremely hectic day. - 今天忙的亂七八糟。

I would like to make an appointment for a hairdo, please. - 我想預約理髮, 勞駕。

She's having an illicit affair. - 她有一個不道德的醜事。

I want an expensive luxury car. - 我想買一輛昂貴的豪華汽車。

Crash dieting is not an advisable way to lose weight. - 瘋狂節食可不是減肥的好方法。

I feel like an old man. - 我感覺像一個老頭。

I'm an exchange student. - 我是一名交換學生。

It's an album of pictures of the United States: - 是關於美國的

So, you're an exchange student. - 哦,你是一名交換學生。

Ooh, speaking of keeping busy-I have an early start tomorrow,and the baby-sitter has to get home. - 哦, 說到忙於工作,我明天還得早起,而且臨時保姆也該回家了。

No. I sold the house and the furniture,put a few personal things in an old trunk, - 不。我把房子和家俱都賣了,剩下一些東西放進一個舊衣箱,


general pain an dheaviness - 一身痛重

an inexperienced healer; an inferior medical worder; an inferior medical worker - 下工

an outine of chinese acupuncture and moxibustion - 中國針灸學概要

as an indicator or disease - 主病

delivery and feeding of an infant - 產育

The human body is an organic whole - 人體是一個有機的整體

apply an upward-traction - 作向上牽拉

an elucidation of the fourteen channels - 十四經發揮

an inflamed tooth socket - 發炎的牙床

dyslalia; have an impediment in speech; mogilaia; stuttering - 口吃

an asthmatic - 喘家

n. casting on an inclined bank - 在傾斜坡上鑄造

an external cause; exogenous pathogenic factor; exopathic factor; exopatjic cause - 外因

an officials title in the feudal age; doctor; now used for a docter in northern china; physician - 大夫

prescribing specific medicine for an illness - 對症下藥

an offspring stealing its maternal principle - 子盜母氣

In an excess, purge the son - 實則瀉其子

an urine analysis; anurineanalysis; urinalysis - 尿檢

an urine analysis; anurineanalysis - 尿液分析

aphonia after an attack of infantile convulsion - 驚退而喑

an appetizing smell - 開胃口的香味

an electrocardiogram segment - 心電圖節段

an incurable invalid - 患不治之症的人

operation; performing an operation - 手術

feverish sensation in the palms an soles; feverish sensation in the palms and soles; hot palms and sloes; wram palms and soles - 手足心熱

give an intramuscular injection - 打肌肉針

an ancient tirm for massage - 按蹺

scratch an itch - 搔癢

an unconscious patient has fixed stare - 昏迷患者兩眼凝視

give signs of an illness - 顯示出病兆

an intervertebral disc of the lumbar spine - 椎骨盤

measles occurring un an epidemic - 溫麻

nourishing yin an supplementing blood; nourishing yin and supplementing blood - 滋陰補血

recruit after an illness - 病後恢復健康

an improvement of the disease - 病情好轉

on an empty stomach - 空著肚子

administraction of the drug on an empty stomach; be taken with an empty stomach; take before meals; to be taken on an empty stomach - 空腹服

placenta an ovum scoop - 胎盤及卵匙

an empty pulse with littl strength - 脈虛無力

pulse as an indicator of disease - 脈象主病

a good drug; an excellent drug; effective medicine; good medicine - 良藥

heat symptoms caused by an exopathogen; pathogenic heat; same as heat-evil - 邪熱

an aacupunct re needle; an acupuncture needle; gold acupuncture needle; gold needle or metal needle used for acupuncture; gold needle used for acupuncture - 金針

ambulant clinic; an outpatient dept; outpatient department - 門診部

an excess of yang brings about heat syndrome - 陽盛則熱

an excess of yin leads to yang defiiency - 陰盛陽衰

an excess of yin leads to disorder of yang - 陰勝則陽病

deficiency of both yin and yang; defiiency of both yin an yang - 陰陽兩虛

mixture of boiled an unboiled water; yin-yang water - 陰陽水

transformation between yin an yang; transformation between yin and yang - 陰陽轉化


n.空腹服 - administraction of the drug on an empty stomach

n.驚退而喑 - aphonia after an attack of infantile convulsion

n.作向上牽拉 - apply an upward-traction

n.主病 - as an indicator or disease

他院通院 - attending to an other hospital

軸器 - axial or g an

n.空腹服 - be taken with an empty stomach

n.r肝膽濕熱 - damp-heat in the liver an gallbladde

n.陰陽兩虛 - defiiency of both yin an yang

n.產育 - delivery and feeding of an infant

眼內分佈 - distribution in an eye

n.手足心熱 - feverish sensation in the palms an soles

n.一身痛重 - general pain an dheaviness

n.打肌肉針 - give an intramuscular injection

n.顯示出病兆 - give signs of an illness

n.口吃 - have an impediment in speech

n.邪熱 - heat symptoms caused by an exopathogen

n.實則瀉其子 - In an excess, purge the son

眼局部 - local part of an eye

n.溫麻 - measles occurring un an epidemic

n.陰陽水 - mixture of boiled an unboiled water

n.滋陰補血 - nourishing yin an supplementing blood

n.空著肚子 - on an empty stomach

n.手術 - performing an operation

n.胎盤及卵匙 - placenta an ovum scoop

n.對症下藥 - prescribing specific medicine for an illness

n.脈象主病 - pulse as an indicator of disease

n.病後恢復健康 - recruit after an illness

n.搔癢 - scratch an itch

n.人體是一個有機的整體 - The human body is an organic whole

n.空腹服 - to be taken on an empty stomach

n.陰陽轉化 - transformation between yin an yang


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