glossier['ɡlɔsi]adj.glossy的變形adj. 有光澤的;光亮的,光潔的虛飾的;圓滑的,教練的,老於世故的;貌似有理的;似是而非的(紙)有光的,光滑的;(雜誌等)用有光紙印刷的n. 【攝影術】有光澤的照片,光面照片;印在有光紙上的照片[英國口語]用有光紙印刷的雜誌(如時裝雜誌)虛有其表的東西表現想像的高級上流社會生活的電影變形: glossier , glossiestglossies
1.Firmer and glossier than the tomato, it is usually picked when it is still green; it becomes yellowish or purple when ripe. 蕃茄外表通常在堅固和光滑的綠色時便將他采收,成熟時顏色漸漸轉變為淡黃色或紫色。
2.The greater the proportion of incident light that is reflected at the same angle as it strikes the surface, the glossier the surface apperas. 以同樣角度入射到表面的光被反射的越多,表面光澤度就越強。
3.Its success has won a new readership for economists, beyond the business section and the opinion columns, in the glossier pages of the weekend supplements. 它的成功,為經濟學家在商業板塊與意見專欄之外的版面更加活潑多彩的週末增刊裡,贏得了一個新的讀者群體。