hypocaust['haipəukɔ:st]n. 熱坑;古羅馬的火坑供暖系統
hypocaust 坑式裝置;熱坑;火炕式供暖;地下暖坑;
1.In Italy, the hypocaust is found only in baths, but in cooler climates, such as Britain's, not only baths also the living room and sometimes other rooms were heated. 在意大利,發現只有在浴室中有火炕供暖系統。但是在像在英國這樣的較冷氣候的國家,不僅僅是浴室,有時甚至客廳也供暖了。
2.The Greeks perceived the advantages of central heating, but it was the Romans who became the supreme heating engineers of the ancient world with their hypocaust system. 雖然希臘人認識到了集中供暖的優點,但是羅馬人才能稱得上是古代最偉大的供暖工程師。
3.The invention of central heating is often credited to the ancient Romans, who installed a system of air ducts called "hypocaust" in the walls and floors of public baths and private villas. 集中供熱的發明要歸功於古羅馬。他們在公共浴池和私人別墅的牆內和地板內安裝所謂火炕的風道系統。