re-exportn. 再出口
re-export 轉口;轉口貨;復出口;出口;Re-export Trade 復出口;再出口貿易;轉口貿易;稱為復出口或再輸出;re-export declaration 轉口報關單;轉口聲明書;轉口報關;re-export licence 轉口證;value of re-export 轉口貨值;轉口貨值 財經;
1.Feed processing operation and the "three to fill a" business, business to sell and re-export trade. 經營進料加工和「三來一補」業務,經營對銷貿易和轉口貿易。
2.Terminal operators in the Netherlands may have to decide that their port has become too congested to accept empty containers for re-export to Asia. 荷蘭的碼頭運營商也許不得不做出決定,由於自己的港口已經太擠,因此無法接收向亞洲再出口的空集裝箱。
3.Unit of material consumption or unit consumption It refers to consumption of imported materials for re-export of unit finished product through processing under normal conditions. 單位耗料量,是指加工貿易企業在正常生產條件下加工生產單位出口成品所耗用的進口料件的數量,簡稱單耗。