v. apply ,employ ,use ,utilize
utilisevt. 使用(等於utilize);利用
Utilise 使用;利用;親身體驗;Harness-utilise 馬具-利用;Utilise the Total Float times 盡量利用所有空間時間;Will flex up and utilise it 放假的話,我要...;Assists the restaurant manager in Manage customer database and utilise effectively 協作餐廳經理製作客戶資料庫;
1.Benitez was forced to utilise his resources in unusual roles, such was the lengthy injury list that has hit Anfield. 貝尼特斯關注於他的隊員調配問題,不斷增加的傷員名單衝擊著安菲爾德。
2.The global electronic markets continue to attract more volume, as firms worldwide utilise trading automation at an increasing rate. 隨全球範圍自動交易增速,全球電子交易市場持續吸引了高的交易量。
3.The Reds will play their reserve fixtures at the League One side's Prenton Park stadium this season, and McAteer is also keen to utilise his former team for help and advice. 這個賽季利物浦預備隊將會在英甲球隊弗拉頓公園開始他的賽程,麥卡蒂爾同時希望他的前俱樂部能夠提供幫助和建議。