Dave Winfield 溫菲爾德;夫·溫菲德;外野 教士;Winfield 溫菲爾德;爾德;威豪;勝利場;Mark Winfield 溫費德;Paul Winfield 菲爾德;保羅·溫菲爾德;Dave Winfield 溫菲爾德;夫·溫菲德;外野 教士;
1.FOR those rich McCain and Obama supporters coveting ambassadorships next year, Winfield House is definitely the place to be. 對那些支持麥凱恩和奧巴馬,渴望在來年出任大使一職的富豪們來說,溫菲爾德官邸絕對是他們的理想之所。
2.Emergency workers are hoping it will block floodwaters from a broken levee south of the town of Winfield. 緊急救援人員都希望這能阻止從南部城鎮溫菲爾德破破裂堤防湧來的洪水。
3.A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town. 溫菲爾德密蘇里的臨時堤壩塌陷,使得密西西比河的河水淹沒了村莊。
4.Emergency workers are hoping it will block floodwaters from a broken levee south of the town of Winfield. 緊急救援隊人員希望該堤能夠防止從溫菲爾德鎮南部的決堤傾瀉出的洪水。
5.Emergency workers are hoping it will block floodwaters from a broken levee south of the town of Winfield. 緊急救援人員都希望這能阻止從南部城鎮溫菲爾德破破裂堤防湧來的洪水。