





n. bound ,bounds ,edge ,limit


boundary['baundəri]n. 邊界;範圍;分界線


boundary 邊界;界限;界線 分界;界線;Boundary Waters 明尼蘇達州的邊界水域;美國明尼蘇達州-邊界水域;明尼蘇達州邊界水域;疆界水域;grain boundary 晶界;晶粒邊界;晶體界面;晶[粒境]界;boundary surface 邊界面;界面;帶邊界曲面;邊界曲面;boundary value 邊界值;監界品位;境界值;邊值;


1.Disk capacity is mismatched with the setting of "Boundary Check". 翻譯是磁盤容量是不相符的設置「邊界檢查」。

2.The boundary around the round ground separates us from the surroundings. 圓形土地上的邊界把我們各周圍分隔開來。

3.Human factor engineering is a boundary applied science and has great guidance on the design of medical apparatus. 人因工程學是一門邊緣性應用科學,對醫療儀器的設計有重要的指導作用;


The river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives. - 形成我們農場東部邊界的一條河流一直在我們生活中發揮著重要作用。

Police are wary of itinerants who cannot be traced to a recognized camp boundary or to four walls. - 警察則對那些查不出有固定營地或住處的遊蕩者保持警惕。


n. boundary part of stainless steel overlay melding area - 不銹合金剛

voigts boundary lines - 伏伊特氏界線

boundary between muscles or muscular layers; boundary betwiin muscles or musculau layers; flesh adherent to the bone; muscle - 分肉

n. periodic boundary condition - 週期邊界條件

n. grain boundary strengthening - 晶加界加強

n. precipitation of grain boundary reaction type - 晶界反應型析出

n. precipitation of grain boundary reaction type - 晶界反應型沉澱

n. grain boundary dislocation - 晶粒界面位錯

n. grain boundary sliding - 晶粒間界滑動

n. grain boundary migration - 晶粒間界遷動

n. grain boundary embrittlement - 晶邊界變脆

n. grain boundary fracture - 晶邊界斷裂

n. grain boundary precipitate - 晶邊界沉降

n. grain boundary passivation - 晶邊界鈍化

n. wedge-type grain boundary crack - 楔型晶粒邊界裂紋

n. wedge-type grain boundary crack - 楔形晶界裂紋

boundary layer - 界面層

n. boundary lubrication - 界面潤滑

boundary lipid - 界面脂

phase boundary potential - 相電位

phase boundary potential - 相界電位

moving boundary method - 移動界面法

moving boundary electrophoresis - 移動界面電泳法

moving boundary centrifugation - 移動界面離心

moving boundary analysis - 移去介面分析

n. cavity-type grain boundary crack - 空腔式晶間疏鬆

n. grain boundary composition - 紋理邊界構成

superior boundary of lung - 肺上界

dorso-ventral boundary of the hand - 赤白肉際

n. boundary echo - 邊界回聲

border effect; boundary effect - 邊界效應

boundary condition - 邊界條件

n. boundary lubrication - 邊界潤滑

n. boundary pillar - 邊界礦柱

n. cavity-type grain boundary crack - 韌窩型晶界裂紋


n.細胞界限 - cell boundary

n.赤白肉際 - dorso-ventral boundary of the hand

n.移去介面分析 - moving boundary analysis

n.移動界面離心 - moving boundary centrifugation

n.移動界面電泳法 - moving boundary electrophoresis

n.移動界面法 - moving boundary method

n.相界 - phase boundary

n.相電位,相界電位 - phase boundary potential

n.斜前沿邊緣 - sloping front boundary

n.肺上界 - superior boundary of lung

n.伏伊特氏界線 - voigts boundary lines


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