Holding bays 等待區;Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's candled cafe 在點著燭光的裡克咖啡館裡的吊扇下牽手;Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's candlelit cafe 在燭光搖曳的瑞克咖啡館裡的吊扇下牽著手;who still holding captives 仍然挾持著人質;holding corporation 控股公司;
1.Holding is a behavior, not a state. What the possession crime punish is the holding action, not the station caused by holding. 持有是行為,不是狀態,持有型犯罪懲罰的是持有行為而不是持有行為所造成的狀態;
2.The holding device of electrode should hold the electrode beyond the socket area. Slowly slide down electrode and choose proper holding position for the second holding. 夾持器應夾持在電極接頭孔區域外。第二次夾持電極時,應緩慢滑落,且應選准二次夾持位置。
3.At the same time to drink coffee and eat snacks, do not single-handedly holding coffee, another hand holding a snack, eat, drink, alternating. 飲用咖啡並且同時要吃點心時,不要一手端著咖啡,另一手拿著點心,吃一口,喝一口,交替進行。
4.Holding you in my arms and falling asleep just like holding Major J-Notturno. My breath is full of sapidity of yours. 我擁著你入睡,彷彿擁著J大調的夜曲,面對著你,我呼吸的空氣都有你的味道。
5.Holding you in my arms and falling asleep just like holding Major J-Notturno. My breath is full of sapidity of yours. How… 我擁著你入睡,彷彿擁著J大調的夜曲,面對著你,我呼吸的空氣都有你的味道夢的很深,深的不會再次醒來,叫做命運。
The only thing holding us back is our financial situation. - 只是財政狀況未許可,所以才拖延到現在。
because he didn't want the responsibility of holding them. - 因為他不想承擔保管它們的責任。
She had to keep out of sight when her husband was holding a meet. - 她在丈夫舉行會議時只得避不露面。
A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. - 一個警察走過來告訴吉米,他應該走一條小路,因為江泊阻礙了交通。
He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. - 他看清了氣球下面有3個人呆在一隻筐裡,其中一個舉著望遠鏡。
At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. - 在洛杉磯的一個特設的游泳池裡,孩子們甚至在還沒有學會走路時就已經能熟練地在水下屏住呼吸了。
His wife was sitting beside him holding a large cake. - 司機妻子正坐在他身邊,手裡托著塊大蛋糕。
If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete it would be equally possible to insure yourself in the event of bad weather. - 如果你要舉辦一次露天遊園會或盛宴,為避免碰上不好的天氣而遭受損失也同樣可以保險,
crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring, holding a summer festival on Midsummer Eve, giving thanks for the harvest in the autumn, - 春天在河邊為最年輕的姑娘戴上花冠,夏天在河邊歡慶「仲夏前夜」,秋天在河邊豐收而感恩,
as if he were holding it completely enclosed in the hollow of his hand. - 就好像完全握在自己手心裡一樣。
The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point. - 馴練員手持一根有鋒利金屬尖頭的長棒,站在象前。
With practice, no doubt, I could in time learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved. - 毫無疑問,經過練習,我最終能夠學會筆不動而紙動來寫字。
Are you holding the ladder, Jim? - 你扶住了梯子嗎,吉姆?
Now she's holding it for Jim. Jim is climbing up the ladder. - 現在她在給吉姆扶著梯子。吉姆正在爬上梯子。
bone holding forceps for maxillectomy - 上頜合摘出術持骨鉗
bifurcating ligature holding forceps - 分叉結紮把持鉗
prostatic lobe holding forceps - 前列腺葉持鉗
n. pressure holding time - 壓力保持時間
oval forceps; sponge holding forceps - 卵圓鉗
n. holding pad - 壓料圈
n. holding pad - 壓料板
n. blank holding cushion - 壓料板用墊
n. blank holding force - 坯料壓緊力
n. blank holding cushion - 坯料支撐墊
fixator; fixer; n. holding fixture - 固定器
catheter holding forceps - 夾套管用鉗
breath holding time - 屏氣時間
breath holding test - 屏氣試驗
holding forceps - 把持鉗
n. holding dog - 拉伸鉗
prostatic lobe holding forceps - 持前列腺葉鉗
swab holding forceps - 持卷棉子鉗
sponge holding forceps - 持海綿鉗
tumor holding forceps - 持瘤鉗
intestinal holding forceps - 持腸鑷
wire holding forceps - 持鋼絲鉗
screw holding forceps - 持鏍絲鉗
bone holding forceps - 持骨鉗
holding and twisting - 捻法
bone plate holding forceps - 接骨板夾持鉗
bone screw holding forceps - 接骨螺釘夾持鉗
n. minimum blank holding pressure - 最小坯件壓緊壓力
n. minimum blank holding pressure - 最小坯料壓緊力
rubber dam clamp forceps; rubber dam clamp holding forceps - 橡皮障夾夾鉗
hemoclip holding rack - 止血夾放置座
syringe holding forceps - 注射器持鉗
n. holding furnace - 混合爐
pulley holding forceps - 滑車鉗
n. aluminium holding furnace - 煉鋁爐
rib holding forceps - 肋骨持骨鉗
anastomosis clamp holding forceps; intestinal clamy forceps - 腸夾鉗
reduction of fracture of spine by holding on back - 脊椎骨折人背人復位
salpinx holding forceps - 輸卵管把持鉗
brain clips magazine; clip holding rack - 銀夾台
bone holding clamps - 骨折固定夾器
n.腸夾鉗 - anastomosis clamp holding forceps
n.分叉結紮把持鉗 - bifurcating ligature holding forceps
n.骨折固定夾器 - bone holding clamps
n.持骨鉗 - bone holding forceps
n.上頜合摘出術持骨鉗 - bone holding forceps for maxillectomy
n.接骨板夾持鉗 - bone plate holding forceps
n.接骨螺釘夾持鉗 - bone screw holding forceps
n.屏氣 - breath holding
屏息期,呼吸暫停發作 - breath holding spell
n.屏氣試驗 - breath holding test
n.屏氣時間 - breath holding time
n.夾套管用鉗 - catheter holding forceps
n.銀夾台 - clip holding rack
n.止血夾放置座 - hemoclip holding rack
n.持腸鑷 - intestinal holding forceps
液體保持恢復 - liquid holding recovery
n.低溫保持 - low-temperature holding
n.持前列腺葉鉗,前列腺葉持鉗 - prostatic lobe holding forceps
n.滑車鉗 - pulley holding forceps
n.脊椎骨折人背人復位 - reduction of fracture of spine by holding on back
n.肋骨持骨鉗 - rib holding forceps
n.橡皮障夾夾鉗 - rubber dam clamp holding forceps
n.輸卵管把持鉗 - salpinx holding forceps
n.持鏍絲鉗 - screw holding forceps
n.持海綿鉗,卵圓鉗 - sponge holding forceps
n.持卷棉子鉗 - swab holding forceps
n.注射器持鉗 - syringe holding forceps
n.持瘤鉗 - tumor holding forceps
瀦水量,儲水量 - water holding capacity
n.持鋼絲鉗 - wire holding forceps