a. approbative ,approving ,plausive
approbatory[,æprəu'beitəri, ə'prəubətəri]adj. 認可的;讚賞的
approbatory 承認;承認的;表示讚許的.;認可;admissive approbatory 認可的;approbatory recognitory 承認的;admiring approbatory laudatory 讚賞的;
1.Income allocation has a lot of planting principle but abide, approbatory of place of a society any allocation the principle is OK the basis that finds its fairness from ethics. 收入分配有許多種原則可循,一個社會所承認的任何分配原則都可以從倫理上找到其公平的依據。
2.No less than a lot of women are furtive approbatory in that way, their husband does not know how to let them get at all basic, the sex with sufficient prep let alone was satisfied. 正如許多女人私下承認的那樣,她們的丈夫根本就不知道如何讓她們得到基本的、更不用說充分的性滿足了。
3.However must approbatory is, now although Chinese network has development greatly, but many netizens make a heart put apprehension to be not affection to not have to real name but former. 然而必須承認的是,今日中國網絡雖然大有發展,但不少網民對實名制心存顧慮並非情無可原。