a. infinitesimal ,microscopical ,minute
a. macroscopic ,macroscopical
microscopic[,maikrə'skɔpik]adj. 微觀的;用顯微鏡可見的
microscopic 微觀的;用顯微鏡可見的;顯微的;微觀;Microscopic inspection 顯微觀察法;顯微鏡試驗;微觀檢查;顯微檢驗;microscopic section 顯微切片;microscopic method 濾膜顯微鏡分析法;顯微鏡法;microscopic state 微觀狀態;微觀態;顯微態;
1.Prison guard: Microscopic implants will restrain convicts from engaging in criminal activity. The sensors will require lots of fine-tuning. 監獄看守:微小的植入片將阻止囚犯從事犯罪活動。這種傳感器需要進行大量的微調。
2.These microscopic organisms are common in coastal areas, all the way from the polar regions to the Equator, and multiply through cell division. 從極地到赤道整個海區來說,這些微小的生物體是很常見的,它們通過細胞分裂的方式進行繁殖。
3.They started with 15 to 40 different pure strains of algae and microscopic animals, and added these one at a time in various combinations and sequences to a large flask. 他們從15至40種不同的單一水藻植株和微生物入手,依次把這些物種以不同的組合形式及先後次序放入一個大燒瓶。
who produced it with a flourish and pointed out a microscopic 'o' beside the time of the arrival of the train at his station; - 站長拿著時刻表一揮手,指著那趟列車到站時刻旁邊一個很小的圓圈標記。
microscopic agglutination - 顯微凝集反應
microscopic chemostry - 顯微化學
microscopic dust paarticles - 顯微塵粒
microprojection apparatus; microscopic projector - 顯微幻燈
n. microscopic stress - 顯微應力
microelectrophoresis; microscopic electrophoresis - 顯微電泳
microscopic crystals - 顯微結晶
microscopic observation - 顯微觀察
microscopic identifiaction - 顯微鑒定
microscopic analysis; microscopical analysis - 顯微鏡分析
microscopic factor - 顯微鏡因子
microscopic telefvision - 顯微鏡電視
microscopic hematuria - 顯微鏡血尿
filter paper microscopic test - 濾紙顯微鏡試驗
n. electron microscopic examination - 電子微觀檢察
electron microscopic technique - 電子顯微鏡技術
microscopic agglutination test - 量微鏡凝集試驗
microscopic hematuria - 鏡下血尿
microscopic agglutination - 鏡檢凝集
電子顯微鏡放射自顯影術 - electron microscopic autoradiography
電子顯微鏡所見 - electron microscopic correlation
n.電子顯微鏡技術 - electron microscopic technique
n.濾紙顯微鏡試驗 - filter paper microscopic test