





n. bridge circuit ,bridgework ,nosepiece ,spanv. bridge over


bridge[bridʒ]n. 橋;橋牌;橋接器;船橋vt. 架橋;渡過


bridge 網橋;網橋、橋接器;前向網絡數據庫;橋樑;platform bridge 天橋;天橋 [作者(來源):;天橋 交流生活英語經驗請進生活英語論壇;bridge deck 橋面板;橋面;橋板;航行台甲板;London Bridge 倫敦橋;倫敦大橋;倫敦斷橋;倫敦橋;bridge rectifier 橋式整流器;(橋式整流器):採用四隻整流管的橋式全波整流電路。;橋式整流器橋式整流器;橋式整流電路;


1.The fallen tree has bridged the two porches. 那棵倒下的樹木把兩個門廊連接起來了。

2.English is the bridge to world! 英語是通往世界的橋樑!

3.I hate that bridge! 我也討厭那座橋!


Don't cross that bridge till you come to it. - 沒到河邊,先別操心怎麼過橋。

The bridge is about three hundred and eighty-five feet long. - 橋長約三百八十五英尺。

Do you often play bridge on Saturday? - 你常常在星期六玩橋牌嗎?

Don't cross the bridge till you get to it. - 不要杞人憂天。

Let's cross the bridge when we come to it. - 既來之,則安之。

David Hall,83, Bridge Street. - 大衛。霍爾,大橋街83號。

That's right.D.N. Hall,83, Bridge Street. - 那就對了。D。N。霍爾,大橋街83號。

There is a bridge over the river. - 河上有一座橋。

There is a broken small old gray stone bridge over the river. - 河上有一座破爛不堪的、古老的、灰色的小石橋。

I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. - 我剛剛搬進了大橋街的一所房子。

He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. - 他修築了一條條整潔的小路,並在一個池塘上架了一座小木橋。

his name will probably remain immortal, for on November 21st, 1964, the longest suspension bridge in the world was named after him. - 但他的名字將流芳百世,因為1964年11月21日建成的一座世界上最長的吊橋是以他的名字命名。

The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. - 由於橋身太長,設計者不得不考慮了地表的形狀。

They support the cables from which the bridge has been suspended. - 高塔支撐著鋼纜,而鋼纜又懸吊著大橋,

It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars, it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity. - 據估計,若橋上擺滿了汽車,也只不過是橋的總承載力的1/3。

The bridge has been washed away by the floods. - 橋已經被洪水沖走了。

It is thought that they arrived more than 30,000 years ago by crossing a land bridge from Asia to America. - 他們被認為是在3萬多年以前從亞洲跨越一座陸橋來到美洲的。


n. chevron bridge method - 人字形橋接法

n. chevron bridge method - 人字形橋法

immunoenzyme bridge technique - 免疫酶橋技術

n. full bridge method - 全橋法

n. full bridge method - 全電橋法

cement for crown bridge and inlay - 冠橋及嵌體用粘固粉

n. half bridge method - 半僑法

n. half bridge method - 半電橋法

n. quarter bridge method - 單臂法

n. quarter bridge method - 四分之一橋接法

n. quarter bridge method - 四分之一電橋法

belt bridge corpuscle; belt desmosome - 帶橋粒

intensity bridge ratio - 強度分路比率

optimum bridge resistance - 最佳電橋電阻

resin bridge pontics - 樹脂橋體

bridge atom - 橋原子

n. bridge spot welding - 橋接點焊

bridge ring - 橋環

bridge corpuscle; desmosome - 橋粒

bridge bond - 橋鍵

n. bridge unbalance technique - 電橋不平衡技術

n. bridge unbalance technique - 電橋不平衡方法

n. bridge resistance balance - 電橋電阻平衡

n. bridge resistance balance - 電阻電橋平衡

cutting of bridge of pedicle skin tube - 皮管斷蒂

galvanic skin reflex bridge box - 皮膚電流反應測量電橋

cutting of bridge of pedicle skin tube - 皮蒂管橋切斷術

bridge of the nose; nasal septum - 鼻柱

bridge of the nose; dorsum nasi; dorsum of nose; dorsunt nasi; nose bridge - 鼻樑

back of nose; bridge of nose; dorsum nasi - 鼻背


實橋 - actual bridge

袢橋 - ansa bridge

n.平衡電橋 - balaced bridge

n.帶橋粒 - belt bridge corpuscle

骨橋 - bone bridge

腦幹橋 - brain stem bridge

n.單端固定橋 - cantilever bridge

n.冠橋及嵌體用粘固粉 - cement for crown bridge and inlay

n.染色單體橋 - chromatid bridge

n.染色質橋 - chromatin bridge

n.末期染色體橋 - chromosome aberrations anaphase bridge

n.染色體橋 - chromosome bridge

n.比較電橋,惠斯通電橋 - comparison bridge

n.橫橋,交聯橋 - cross bridge

n.皮蒂管橋切斷術,皮管斷蒂 - cutting of bridge of pedicle skin tube

n.胞質橋,細胞質橋 - cytoplasmic bridge

牙質橋,齒梁 - dentin bridge

延長架,義齒 - extension bridge

n.固定橋 - fixed bridge

n.單端固定橋,單基橋 - free-end bridge

n.皮膚電流反應測量電橋 - galvanic skin reflex bridge box

臨時橋 - immediate bridge

n.免疫酶橋技術 - immunoenzyme bridge technique

n.電感電橋 - inductance bridge

n.強度分路比率 - intensity bridge ratio

n.細胞間橋 - intercellular bridge

n.鵲橋 - magpie bridge

基質橋,粘性染色體橋 - matrix bridge

可移動固定齒橋,移動性固定橋 - movable fixed bridge

n.鼻樑 - nose bridge

n.最佳電橋電阻 - optimum bridge resistance

n.氧橋 - oxo bridge

瓷料橋 - porcelain bridge

真鼻樑 - real bridge

可移動齒橋 - removable bridge

n.樹脂橋體 - resin bridge pontics

n.鹽橋 - salt bridge

n.半固定橋 - semifixed bridge

n.單基橋 - single abutment bridge

n.聲橋 - sound bridge

粘性染色體橋 - sticky chromosome bridge

n.熱變電阻橋 - thermistor bridge


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