eptabbr. 靜電記錄管(electro-static charge printing tube);乙烯丙烯三元聚合物(Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer)
EPT 乙烯丙烯三元共聚物;English Proficiency Test;English Placement Test;高濃度支撐劑壓裂;ept stock 中國概念股;EPT rubber 三元乙丙橡膠,;三元乙丙橡膠;ept for 除…外,除去;要不是由於;tra ept 教堂的十字型翼部;
1.This orld is the orld of ild storms ept tame ith the music of beauty. 這世界乃是為美之音樂所馴服了的狂風驟雨的世界。
2.It relates to the manufacture condition of domestic synthetic rubber and EPT, and the view of the development of synthetic rubber in future. 對國內合成橡膠及熱塑性彈性體的生產概況進行了闡述,並對今後合成橡膠的發展提出了自已的看法。
3.This paper puts forward a new cons ept-general quantificatonappraisal system by using grey relation appraisal the ory. Then proposes and proves two theorems and one deduction for it. 利用灰色關聯評估理論,提出了「通用量化評測系統」這一新概念,為此,提出了兩個定理和一個推論,並進行了證明推導。