





v. accommodate ,conform to ,correspond ,gon. burst ,conniption ,convulsion ,scenea. healthy ,primed ,set


v. disaccord ,disagree ,discorda. unfit


fit['fit]vt. 安裝;使……適應;使……合身;與……相符vi. 符合,配合;適合;合身adj. 健康的;合適的;恰當的;準備好的n. 合身;發作;痙攣


FIT 新一代飛度;配合;本田飛度;飛騰;shrinkage fit 收縮配合;閉合高度;收縮配合,紅套;缸套配合;fit together 組裝在一起;組合;組裝在...;組合, 結合;fit tolerance 配合公差;擬合公差;fit for 適於;適合...,能勝任...;適合的,恰當的;適合;


1.His idea did not quite fit in with our aim. 他的想法和我們的目標不完全一致。

2.Your clothes fit well. 你的衣服很合身。

3.This is your budget; it should fit you. 這是你自己的預算,得適合你才行!


You look as fit as a fiddle. - 你看起來非常健康。

I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. - 我得在他的工作表上再加第四個手術。

And he's agreed to fit you into his schedule. - 他同意明天把你安排進他的面談名單裡 。

So it might fit in with a program - 這個跟計劃相當吻合

with the kinds of programs that fit everyone. - 擁有適合任何人的各式活動。

but where would I fit into the plan? - 但是我在這項計劃中怎麼定位呢

I'll be in town next week, maybe you could fit me in. - 我下個禮拜會在城裡,也許你能安排時間見我。

He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day. - 他每天跑五公里以保持身體健康。

I'm looking for somebody fit for the work. - 我在找適合這項工作的人。

I wonder if the dentist could fit me in early tomorrow? - 請問明天一早牙科醫生能抽空給我看一下嗎?

This dress doesn't fit me anymore. - 這件衣服不適合我。

Borrowed garments never fit well. - 借來的衣服不合身。

He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. - 正人先正己。

Love makes one fit for any work. - 愛情使人適合任何工作。

These shoes don't fit right. - 這雙鞋不太合適。

The dress doesn't fit her. She is too thin. - 這件衣服不適合她,她太瘦了。

for the simple reason that I was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere. - 原因很簡單,因為還剩下幾個形狀奇特的零件似乎哪裡也裝不上去。

Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables. - 布魯塞爾的官員說,在美國屠宰的雞不適於用來裝點歐洲的餐桌。

But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle: - 然而,阿爾弗雷德斷定,丹麥人已不再適應持久的戰爭,

Yes. If we go on polluting the world, it won't be fit for us to live in. - 是的。如果我們繼續污染世界,地球就不適合我們居住了。

Mmm, it doesn't seem to fit very well. - 嗯,這套看來不大合身。

Yes, they fit very well. - 不錯,都很合身。

Use this treatment twice a day for a week. And another thing, at the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They won't be fit to eat. - 一天治療兩次,一周為一個療程。還有,一周以後要把凍豌豆扔掉。它們不能吃。


n. shrink fit type direct pilot - 冷縮裝配式

in a fit of grief - 在悲痛時

as fit as a fiddle - 很健康

n. quick fit type die set guide pin - 快速裝配式模具導銷

n. quick fit type die set guide pin - 快速調整型模組導柱

a fit of malaria - 瘧疾發作

fit ful sleep - 睡眠不寧

as fit as a fiddle - 精神好

induced fit theory - 誘導契合學說

n. shrink fit type direct pilot - 過盈配合式直接導引


n.瘧疾發作 - a fit of malaria

卒中發作 - apoplectic fit

n.精神好,很健康 - as fit as a fiddle

非定型欠神發作 - atypical absent fit

小腦性發作 - cerebellar fit

n.腦性發作 - cerebral fit

強迫發作套迭 - compulsive fit intussusception

n.曲線擬合 - curve fit

n.擬合指數曲線 - exponential curve of fit

適合度,配合優良 - goodness of fit

n.擬合雙曲線 - hyperbola of fit

n.在悲痛時 - in a fit of grief

n.誘導契合 - induced fit

n.誘導契合學說 - induced fit theory

誘導性發作 - inducing a fit

n.分子契合 - molecular fit

n.擬合拋物線 - parabola of fit

n.狂奔發作 - running fit

n.擬合優度檢驗 - test of goodness of fit

n.鉤回發作 - uncinate fit


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