licensorn. 認可證頒發者(尤指批准書籍出版或戲劇演出的官員)
licensor 許可人;許可方;發許可證者;認證頒發者;licenser licensor 認可證頒發者;built by licensor 專利單位建造的;licenser licensor licenser 發許可證者;Authorized representative of Licensor 商標許可合同;計算機軟件許可合同;
1.Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to defend such suit at its own expense. 許可方有權但無義務對該等訴訟進行抗辯,備用由許可房子裡。
2.Process licensor guidelines and experience in previous similar applications for a particular type of measurement shall be considered. 應考慮工藝專利商在上述類似的一個特殊測量類型應用中的指導方針和經驗。
3.The licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to design, manufacture, sell in the PRC the Contract Products and export the Contract Products. 讓與人同意給予引進方在中華人民共和國境內設計、製造、和銷售合同產品以及出口合同產品的權利。