overhearingn. 串話;串音v. 無意中聽到;偷聽(overhear的ing形式)
Overhearing 串音;串話;串擾;偷聽;Accdentally overhearing someone say something nice about you 純屬偶然聽到別人誇自己;
1.A:Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing. Did you mention Hugh just now? 對不起,我無意中聽到的,你剛才提到修了嗎?
2.It seemed to Boris that the Tsar liked uttering these words: he was pleased with the form in which he had expressed his feelings, but displeased at Boris overhearing them. 正如鮑裡斯所感覺的那樣,皇帝說出這些話很痛快:他很滿意自己表達思想的方式,但是卻不滿意鮑裡斯聽到他的話。
3.And as with digital cellular, the talk and standby time are longer than analog, and the risk of someone overhearing your conversation or swiping your phone number is lower. 數字移動電話的通話時間、待機時間都比模擬機長;電話被竊聽、被盜用的風險要低一些。