automization[ɔ:təumai'zeiʃən,-mi'z-]n. 自動化
automization 自動化;fuel automization 釋義:燃料霧化;The development and reserach of waveform comparison automization tool for mixed-signal circuits 下一篇論文: 數模混合電路波形自動比較工具的開發研究;
1.Forecast and dispatch are the important advanced application functions of water dispatching automization system. 預報和調度是水調自動化系統的重要高級應用功能。
2.The fabrication of the steel pipe piles of the Bridge features small land occupancy area, high automization degree, high fabrication efficiency and stable fabrication quality. 大橋鋼管樁製造具有佔地面積小、自動化程度高、生產效率高和質量穩定等特點。
3.The reliability of vessel automization system, based on PLC control, is determined by PLC. The reliability of the whole control system could be improved by changing PLC system combination. 基於PLC控制的船舶自動化系統可靠性主要取決於PLC,通過改變PLC系統的組態可以進一步提高整個控制系統的可靠性。