You shouldn't crow about your successes 你不該對你的成功自吹自擂。;Maybe It shouldn't be said to somebody again 也許不必再對誰說,;
1.Your business wardrobe shouldn't be just navy and gray suits anymore, and your social wardrobe shouldn't be just corduroys. 職業裝不應只有藍色、灰色西裝,便裝也不該只是燈芯絨的。
2.Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway. 從空氣動力學原理來說,大黃蜂是不能飛起來的,幸虧大黃蜂不懂得這個道理,因此它們一直在天空翱翔。
3.If it goes anyplace that it shouldn't, they don't have the keys to open it. 如果檔案跑到任何不該去的地方,他們也沒有鑰匙可以開啟。
4.I shouldn't have lost my temper, but the charges were plainly baseless. 我不應該發脾氣,但這些指控根本就是無中生有。
5.Especially in the case of economic constraints, so high"betrothal gift"shouldn't be short of, such marriage has changed. 特別是在經濟拮据的時候,還非要昂貴的彩禮,這樣的婚姻走了味。