urnsabbr. 常復發性腎病綜合征
URNS 常復發性腎病綜合征;方法;Funerary urns 骨灰盒;wood urns 木質骨灰盒;Urns of precious metal 貴重金屬缸;increasing rett urns to scale 規模報酬遞增;
1.Each of our coffins and urns are individually made, one at a time, with love and care. 我們每一個甕棺和個人提出的,一次一個,以愛和關懷。
2.By his own account, he does not simply disdain coffee; he rages against it, preaches of its evils, overturns coffee urns in restaurants. 套用他的說法,他不只厭惡咖啡,還大罵咖啡,四處宣揚咖啡的弊端,在餐廳裡打翻咖啡壺。
3.Snakes swirlaround columns smoking urns on tripodsdecorates the windows and statues of Victory hold out laurel wreaths for our inspection. 蛇形環繞著柱子,三角架上冒煙的甕(三角形石窗楣?)