headier['hedi]adj. 頑固的,任性的,執拗的性子急的,魯莽的,輕率的激烈的,猛烈的;破壞性的(酒)上頭的,令人頭暈的;易使人醉的(勝利、芳香等的)令人陶醉的,令人興奮的,使人飄飄然的豐富的;繁茂的;濃烈的[口語]聰明的,有頭腦的;賢明的[口語]頭痛的;令人頭痛的變形: headyier , headyiest
1.Despite the signs of improvement, the housing market is still a shell of what it was during headier times. 儘管出現好轉跡象,但美國住房市場仍然遠遠低於此前熱潮時期的水平。
2.Like other Chinese developers, Glorious borrowed heavily to pay ever-increasing sums for choice pieces of land during headier times. 同中國其它開發商一樣,恆盛地產借入巨額貸款以支付在繁榮時期不斷上漲的地塊出讓金。
3.In headier versions, there are some who dream of replacing Germany as France's principal partner in the EU. But a more realistic ambition is to establish new trilateral relations. 在一些令人暈眩的版本中,有些人夢想著英國取代德國成為法國在歐盟的主要合作夥伴,然而構建一種新型的三方關係應該是一個更現實的目標。