





Health and National Health Insurance Annual Statistics Information Service 衛生署全國衛生統計資訊網;health care health protection 保健;HEALTH BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH EDUCATION COURSES 健康行為和健康教育;periodic health examination refers to the health examination given to labor on a regular basis according to the age group of the labor 所稱定期健康檢查,系指依在職勞工之年齡層,於一定期間所實施之一般健康檢查;Health administers to peace of the mind 健康有助於身心的安寧;


1.Elderly health centres provide integrated health service including health assessment, physical check up, counselling, curative treatment, and health education to people aged 65 and above. 長者健康中心為年滿65歲的人士提供綜合健康服務,包括健康評估、身體檢查、輔導、治療及健康教育。

2.On the one hand, government could provide public health and quasi - public health services, ensure the quality of health services, preserve the access to and equity on health services. 政府可以在公共衛生以及准公共衛生領域,在保證衛生服務提供的質量、維護服務的可及性和公平性上承坦起更大的責任;

3.On the one hand, government could provide public health and quasi - public health services, ensure the quality of health services, preserve the access to and equity on health services. 政府可以在公共衛生以及准公共衛生領域,在保證衛生服務提供的質量、維護服務的可及性和公平性上承坦起更大的責任;

4.Yantai double Granville Health Service Centre is set promote popular science, health counselling, medical services as one of the health service agencies. 煙台雙威健康服務中心是集科普宣傳、健康咨詢、體檢服務為一體的健康服務機構。

5.Subject_Topical_Eng: Alternative Medicine; Health Information; Homeopathy; Health Care; Natural Health Sciences; Massage Therapy; Sports Nutrition; Acupuncture; Natural Medicine. 替換藥物;健康信息;順勢療法;健康護理;自然健康科學;按摩療法;運動營養學;針刺療法;自然藥物。


Yes. Here's the survey report issued by the Health Office, which is absolutely reliable. - 有。這是由衛生檢疫所簽發的檢驗報告,它是絕對可靠的。

You should take your health more seriously. - 你對自己的健康得更當回事兒。

My health sucks. - 我的身體很差。

I've let my health deteriorate. - 我的健康惡化了。

Your health has really gone to pot. - 你的健康真的很糟糕。

But your health is more important, Carl. Believe me. - 可是你的身體更重要,Carl,相信我的話。

Smoking is addictive, and causes cancer, But the point I most want to emphasize is that it damages the health of those around you. - 吸煙會上癮,會引發癌症。但我最想說的是,吸煙同時也有損你的健康。

I did drink a lot of coffee when I was younger, But I have noticed the health benefits since I quit. - 我在年輕時確實喝過很多咖啡,但我發覺戒了咖啡後身體健康多了。

Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good. - 專家說偶爾喝杯經酒對身體很有好處。

Her health is improving markedly. - 她的健康正顯著好轉。

She owes her good health to her regular life. - 她把健康歸功於規律的生活。

He has realized how precious health is. - 他已經體會到健康的可貴。

His health has been lousy. - 他的健康狀況近來很糟。

His health has been lousy. - 他的健康狀況近來很糟。

Poor health may be a bar to success in life. - 健康不佳可能成為人一生中取得成功的障礙。

By the side of sickness health becomes sweet. - 和疾病相比較,才顯得健康的可貴。

We'd like to recommend our new home health monitor. - 我們想推薦我們新的家庭健康監測器。

A good wife and health is a man's best wealth. - 賢妻和健康是男子的至寶。

Good health is above wealth. - 健康重於財富。

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything. - 身體健壯就有希望,有了希望就有了一切。

He who hath good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing. - 健康葆青春,無債即富有。

He who hath good health is young,and he is rich who owes nothing. - 健康葆青春,無債即富有。

If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue. - 如果不健康而能強強壯壯,那麼無美德也可快快樂樂。

Neglect of health is doctor's wealth. - 忽視健康,醫生財旺。

Sickness is felt, but health not at all. - 疾病能夠感覺到,健康全然不知曉。

Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. - 知識之於心靈,猶如健康之於身體。

The Swedes were the first to recognize that public official like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. - 是瑞典人首先認識到政府工作人員如文職人員、警官、衛生稽查員、稅務人員等等也會犯錯誤或者自以為在為公眾服務而把事情做過了頭。

and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic. - 4月裡,俄羅斯衛生部一個特別委員會對她進行了一系列的測試。

if there is any effect of noise upon mental health it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. - 如果噪音對精神健康有影響的話,那也一定是微乎其微,以致現代的精神病診斷方法還發現不了。

being brought up in an orphanages--which really is a mental health hazard. - 比在孤兒院長大所受的危害要小一些,孤兒院才是真正危害精神健康的地方。

that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures - 衛生部門的年度藥費上升到了天文數字,

and since most medical men in the Health Services are overworked and have little time for offering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on such subjects as diet, - 因為衛生部門的大多數醫生都超負荷工作,所以沒有多少時間提出一些既費時而又不受人歡迎的忠告,如注意飲食、

We'd like to recommend our new home health monitor. - 我們想推薦我們新的家庭健康監測器。

She owes her good health to her regular life. - 她把健康歸功於規律的生活。


prefectural bureau of public health; prefectural health department - 專區衛生局

who; world health organization; wrold health organization - 世界衛生組織

personal health habit - 個人衛生習慣

health service - 保健事業

health worker; health-care assistant - 保健員

health centre - 保健所

health nurse - 保健護士

health measures; hygienic measures - 保健措施

health institution - 保健機構

tooth brush for health protection - 保健牙刷

health physics - 保健物理

health monitoring; healthmonitoring - 保健監測

health station - 保健站

medical kit; nurse and health keepers visiting bag - 保健箱

health organization - 保健組織

health protection network - 保健網

health subsidies; healthsubsidies - 保健費

health food - 保健食品

health Pill - 保濟丸

health insurance; healthinsurance - 健康保險

health carrier - 健康帶菌蟲者

health screening - 健康普查

Health administers to peace of the mind - 健康有助於身心的安寧

health examination - 健康檢查

health status - 健康狀況

health supervision - 健康監護

health control - 健康管理

health statistics - 健康統計

health certificate - 健康證

health consultation - 健康診斷

health survey - 健康調查

child health clinic - 兒童保健門診

public health doctor - 公共衛生醫師

public health engineering - 公共衛生工程

public health nurse - 公共衛生護士

public health laboratory - 公共衛生檢驗室

public health bactreiology - 公共衛生細菌學

commune health station - 公社衛生所

commune health center - 公社衛生院

halth preserving; health preserving - 養生

health preserving - 養生的

medical and health work - 醫療衛生工作

health center; healthcenter; medical station - 醫療站

health service security - 衛勤保障

health habit - 衛生習慣

health care measure - 衛生保健措施

health doctor - 衛生醫師

health worker; medical orderly - 衛生員

health school - 衛生學校

principle of health work - 衛生工作方針


n.對身體有害的氣候 - a pernicious climate to health

灑精中毒藥及精神障礙委員會 - Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration

n.諸虛 - all sorts of weak health

自動化多相健康測試服務器,自動化多相健康檢查及服務 - automated multiphasic health testing and services

n.有益於身心健康 - be helpful to the mental and physical health

轉地療養 - changing air for health

n.兒童衛生 - child health

n.小兒保健 - child health care

n.兒童保健門診 - child health clinic

n.城市衛生 - city health

n.城市衛生行政 - city health administration

軍屬健康醫療計劃 - Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services

n.愛國衛生運動委員會 - committee of patriotic health movement

n.公社衛生院 - commune health center

n.公社衛生所 - commune health station

社區保健 - community health

n.縣衛生院 - county health center

口腔衛生 - dental health

齒科衛生調查 - dental health survey

n.衛生科 - department of health

n.衛生防疫站站長 - director of health and epidemic preventio station

n.地區衛生局 - district health bureau

n.地段保健醫師 - district health doctor

急救醫療制度 - emergency health system

環境衛生 - environmental health

環境保健部 - Environmental Health Department

n.環境衛生監測 - environmental health monitoring

n.工廠保健站 - factory health station

高額醫療費金融系統 - financing system of large medical cost on health insurance

n.飛行保健 - flying health care

人類健康 - human health

健康衛生 - hygiene of health

n.健康不佳 - ill health

n.疾病摧殘了他的身體 - illness blighted his health

工業健 - industrial health consultant

n.工業衛生統計 - industrial health statistics

安全衛生部 - Industrial Safety and Health Department

健康協會 - institute for health

職業安全衛生研究所 - Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

n.衛生研究所 - institute of health

n.營養衛生研究所 - institute of health and nutriology

n.勞動衛生研究所 - institute of labor health

國際健康指南 - international health guideline

n.勞動衛生 - labor health

健康水平 - level of health

n.地方衛生機構 - local health agency

健康維護和改善 - maintenance and improvement of health

母子衛生,母子保健 - maternal and child health

母子保健法 - Maternal and Child Health Law

n.婦嬰保健院 - maternity and infant health institute

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