austerities[ɔ'sterəti]n. 緊縮;樸素;苦行;嚴厲
Austerities 第一節苦行;嚴肅;
1.After intense austerities the rishis of olden times realized God as their inner most consciousness and experienced the real nature of Brahman. 昔日的聖人經過強烈的苦行以後,從最內在深處的意識上認識到神,體驗到梵天的真正本性。
2.The psychic powers may be obtained either by birth, or by means of drugs, or by the power of words, or by the practice of austerities, or by concentration. 超自然力量可能與生俱來,也可以通過藥物、念誦曼陀羅、苦行以及專注獲得。
3.O Arjuna, a person being liberated from these three door ways of nescience, performs austerities for the embodied self; thereafter reaching the supreme goal. 阿諸那啊,一個人如果能從這無知的三道地獄之門中解脫出來,為真心自性持戒苦修,他就能夠隨之達到人生的終極目標。