wieldersn. 地下黨
1.Too often, we honor swagger and bluster and the wielders of force. 我們往往予以認同崇尚暴力和狂妄自大的人。
2.The first wielders of the longbow. Being totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. 威爾士長弓兵是長弓始作俑者,由於沒有任何盔甲防護,他們必須竭力避免近戰。
3.Even if none of the veto-wielders bolts, the Western coalition could have to scrape for the nine votes needed, sending a weak signal. 就算沒有國家投否決票,西方聯盟也能發出微弱信號,爭取9張所需投票。