generous generous 慷慨的,大方的;慷慨的,大方的;strong-minded strong-willed tough-minded 意志堅強的;strong-minded strong-willed tough-minded 意志堅強的;strong-minded strong-willed tough-minded 意志堅強的;narrow narrow-gauge narrow-minded small-minded 氣量小的;
1.I ain't weak-minded, only simple-minded. 我不是弱智,只不過頭腦簡單。
2.For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 體貼肉體的,就是死,體貼聖靈的,乃是生命,平安。
3.The low-minded and evil-minded are included because they are those who are most in need of love. 接納心低下與邪惡的眾生,是因為他們最需要慈愛。
4.Love, embracing all beings, be they noble-minded or low-minded, good or evil. 「慈」擁抱一切眾生,不論其心是崇高或低下、善或惡。
5.The low-minded and evil-minded are included because they are those who are most in need of love. 接納心低下與邪惡的眾生,是因為他們最需要慈愛。