anglo-australiann. 澳洲的英國僑民adj. 英澳兩國人的;英澳兩國的
Anglo-Australian 澳洲的英國僑民;英澳兩國的;Anglo-Australian Telescope 英澳望遠鏡;ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN OBSERVATORY 天文台;
1.The Anglo-Australian miner, the world's third biggest iron ore exporter, has lobbied for years to change the pricing mechanism used around the world. 作為全球第三大鐵礦石出口商,這家英澳礦商已經為改變全球鐵礦石定價機制奔走多年。
2.China says it has obtained "sufficient" evidence to prove four executives of Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto were involved in stealing state secrets. 中國說,已經掌握了「充足」的證據證明澳大利亞力拓集團的四名主管參與竊取國傢機密。
3.Now, rumblings Down Under suggest the Anglo-Australian mining giant is about to make an even more humiliating move: to Zhongnanhai, home of China's Communist party. 而現在,整個島內都有傳聞稱力拓這家盎格魯澳大利亞礦產公司又將做出一件更讓人丟臉的舉動:和中共的總部中南海合作。