





a. nephritic


renal['ri:nəl]adj. 腎臟的,腎的


renal 腎的;腎臟;腎(臟)的;腎臟的;Renal Function 腎功能室;腎功能;腎功;renal corpuscle 腎小體;腎小體;腎小球,腎小囊;腎小球;renal carcinoma 腎癌;renal clearance 腎清除率;清除率;腎臟清除作用;廓清率;


1.Do not increase dose if worsening renal function or hyperkalemia. 如腎功能惡化或高鉀血症不要增加劑量;

2.Objective To observe the ultrastructural variation of epithelial cell in the development of the rat renal corpuscle. 目的觀察大鼠腎小體發育過程中上皮細胞超微結構的形態變化規律。

3.Objective to establish a new method for the diagnosis of human cytomegalovirus(HCMV) infection and disease in renal transplant recipients. 目的建立一種新的快速診斷鉅細胞病毒(CMV)感染的方法並初步用於腎移植受者。


human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen - 人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原

extracorporeal renal surgery - 體外腎手術

split renal function - 分側腎功能

split renal function study - 分側腎功能檢查

arteriosclerotic renal failure - 動脈硬化性腎衰竭

unilateral polycystic renal disease - 單側腎多發性囊腫病

bilateral renal agenesis - 雙側性腎不發育綜合征

organic renal insufficiency - 器質性腎功能不全

necrotizing papillitis; necrotizing renal papillitis - 壞死性乳頭炎

oliguric renal insufficiency - 少尿型腎功能不全

cardiovascular renal disease - 心血管腎病

acute necrotic renal papillitis - 急性壞死性腎乳頭炎

acute postoperative renal failure - 急性術後腎功能衰竭

acute renal insufficiency - 急性腎功能不全

acute renal failure - 急性腎功能衰竭

acute necrosis of renal tubules; acute tubular necrosis - 急性腎小管壞死

acute renal failure - 急性腎衰竭

total renal blood flow - 總腎血流量

infective thrombosis of renal artery - 感染性腎動脈血栓形成

chronic renal insufficiency - 慢性腎功能不全

chronic renal disease - 慢性腎臟疾患

chronic renal failure - 慢性腎衰竭

renal insufficiency after war injury - 戰傷後腎功能不全

end stagerenaldisease; end-stage renal disease; endstagerenaldisease - 晚期腎病

effective renal blood flow; effective renal blood folw - 有效腎血流量

effective renal plasma flow - 有效腎血漿流量

renal adenocarcinoma - 格臘維次氏瘤

intercapillary renal sclerosis - 毛細管間腎硬化

lymphomatous renal lesion - 淋巴瘤性腎損害

idiopathic renal hemorrhage - 特發性腎出血

idiopathic renal hematuria - 特發性腎性血尿

leukemic renal damage - 白血病腎損害

renal fiberscope - 纖維光束腎臟鏡

end stagerenaldisease; end-stage renal disease; endstagerenaldisease - 終末期腎病

renal intoxication - 腎中毒

papillae renales; renal papillae - 腎乳頭

necrosis of renal papillae; renal papillary necrosis - 腎乳頭壞死

papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis - 腎乳頭狀癌

renal prostaglandin - 腎前列腺素

renal function study - 腎功能試驗

renal artery - 腎動脈

renal artery stenosis - 腎動脈狹窄

murmur over renal region - 腎區雜音

renal apoplexy - 腎卒中

impressio renalis; renal impression - 腎壓跡

renal edema - 腎原性水腫

lobl renales; renal lobes - 腎葉

cyst of kidney; renal cyst - 腎囊腫

area cribrosa papillae renalis; cribriform area of renal papilla - 腎孔頭篩區

renal parenchyma - 腎實質


n.急性腎小管壞死 - acute necrosis of renal tubules

n.急性壞死性腎乳頭炎 - acute necrotic renal papillitis

n.急性術後腎功能衰竭 - acute postoperative renal failure

n.急性腎功能衰竭,急性腎衰竭 - acute renal failure

n.急性腎功能不全 - acute renal insufficiency

n.腎血管異常 - anomaly of renal vessel

n.動脈硬化性腎衰竭 - arteriosclerotic renal failure

n.腎錐體底 - bade of renal pyramid

腎錐體底 - base of renal pyramid

n.腎良性腫瘤 - benign renal tumor

n.腎盂分叉 - bifurcation of renal pelvis

n.雙側性腎不發育綜合征 - bilateral renal agenesis

n.腎小管鈣化 - calcification of renal tubules

n.腎實質癌 - carcinoma of renal parenchyma

n.心血管腎病 - cardiovascular renal disease

n.腎盂癌 - carvinoma of renal pelvis

n.慢性腎臟疾患 - chronic renal disease

n.慢性腎衰竭 - chronic renal failure

n.慢性腎功能不全 - chronic renal insufficiency

先天性腎發育不良 - congenital renal dysplasia

n.腎實質挫傷 - contusion of renal parenchyma

n.腎孔頭篩區 - cribriform area of renal papilla

n.腎肌酐清除率 - creatinine renal clearance

交叉性腎異位 - crossed renal ectopia

n.腎有效血漿流量 - dffective renal plasmsa flow

糖尿病性腎不全 - diabetic renal failure

n.遠端腎小管細胞 - distal renal tubule cell

n.腎迷走血管切斷術 - division of aberrant renal vessels

雙腎孟,雙重腎盂 - double renal pelvis

n.腎膿腫引流術 - drainage of renal abscess

雙腎孟 - duplicated renal pelvis

早期腎機能障礙 - early renal dysfunction

n.腎異位血管 - ectopic renal vessels

n.腎小球有效濾過壓 - effective filtration pressure of renal glomerulus

n.有效腎血流量 - effective renal blood flow

n.有效腎血流量 - effective renal blood folw

n.有效腎血漿流量 - effective renal plasma flow

n.晚期腎病,終末期腎病 - end-stage renal disease

n.腎血管栓塞 - embolism of renal vessel

n.腎盂上皮細胞 - epithelial cell of renal pelvis

原發性腎出血 - essential renal bleeding

n.體外腎手術 - extracorporeal renal surgery

腎大盞 - greater renal calices

n.腎盂血管瘤 - hemanioma of renal pelvis

n.腎病綜合征出血熱 - hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

n.人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原 - human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen

n.高血壓性腎病 - hypertensive renal disease

n.特發性腎性血尿 - idiopathic renal hematuria

n.特發性腎出血 - idiopathic renal hemorrhage

n.腎小管吸收不良 - impaired renal tubular rebsorption


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