socialist-minded 有社會主義覺悟的;to be both socialist-minded and 又紅又專/思想好,業務精;to be both socialist-minded and vocationally PageRankoficient 又紅又專/思想好,業務精;to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient 又紅又專/思想好,業務精;又紅又專/ 思想 好,業務精;又紅又專/思想好,業務精;to be two of them socialist-minded and vocationally proficient 又紅又專/思想好,業務精;
1.University of Science and Technology of China: Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact. 中國科學技術大學:紅專並進理實交融。
2.To our heart to party is self-remolding. It is the decisive factor to train intellectuals both socialist-minded and vocational proficient. 向黨交心是自我革命,是培養又紅又專的知識分子的決定性因素。
3.We hope that all teachers will work hard to steadily raise their political and professional levels and become increasingly socialist-minded and professionally competent. 我們希望廣大教師努力在政治上、業務上不斷提高,沿著又紅又專的道路前進。